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About Zeproe

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  1. Zeproe

    Zeus Tanoa file

    Hey, has anyone got a blank Zeus mission file for Tanoa as I just want to spawn stuff in to explore with friends. I tried to create one but it doesn't seem to work.
  2. Zeproe

    Changing mission files (traders)

    Yeah i seen this multiple times but I couldn't see a tutorial
  3. So I really want to install Enhanced Movement mod for my server but I seems not to work. Can anyone tell me how to get it to work, I don't care if it conflicts with auto run or anything like that as the server is only for me and a few friends, NOT PUBLIC! If anyone could help it would be great as I want to make the server fun for us.
  4. Is there a way to edit the mission files with what i've already got. (I've got the mission files from here @ the downloads section) I would like to edit the map, maybe add buildings in, also edit the traders like their layout.
  5. Zeproe

    Tanoa error

    Ahh, nice to know thanks. I was really considering buying new RAM
  6. Zeproe

    Tanoa error

    FIXED: You have to alt+tab while you're logging into a/your server
  7. Zeproe

    Tanoa error

    I just tried it on MGT server and got the same error, maybe it's my RAM?
  8. Zeproe

    Tanoa error

    So recently my server has been crashing on Tanoa when logging in so I thought I messed up the files so I restart the whole server from fresh but it still happens. http://prntscr.com/c119o4 http://prntscr.com/c11a99 It only happens with Tanoa, Altis seems fine. Someone please help me.
  9. So to enter radiation zones all I have to do is put on a gas mask or can I just not got there?
  10. Zeproe

    NIArms Traders

    So I've setup traders to sell NIArm guns but I can't get into the server to see if it works as this error pops up when I load the game http://prnt.sc/bzx5ru
  11. Zeproe

    Exile AXE

    Is their a way I can make it so the traders sell the axe and swing?
  12. Zeproe

    Tryk and CUP

    Yeah don't worry it won't be on arma launcher just for videos and a bunch of friend. Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/zeproe/ and feel free to join. (It's only up when i load the server up obviously, BUT im always online )
  13. Zeproe

    Tryk and CUP

    Thanks for the help but I already got it working, i'm so happy. Thanks for the help mate. I've got alot familiar with it i've started to add more mods that aren't in the "traders" folder. I used this mod (Arma 2 days <3) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30265 But once again thanks for helping.
  14. Zeproe

    Tryk and CUP

    Simple to follow btw, great work but I have a problem...the wont load http://prntscr.com/bznhy4 Here is what i've done: http://prntscr.com/bznipj config.cpp - http://prntscr.com/bznjh3 http://prntscr.com/bznjo5 http://prntscr.com/bznk0g
  15. Zeproe

    Tryk and CUP

    As much as you helped me I did what you told me and TRIED to do the things in the instruction but it just isn't clear enough to follow. Can you help me? It says this in the instructions; I UNDERLINED THE THINGS THAT DONT MAKE SENSE TO ME! It tells me to replace Arsenal with custom code but I don't understand it at all. 2. IN CONFIG.CPP IN MISSION SQF: REPLACE FROM "class CfgExileArsenal" DOWN TO LINE ABOVE "class CfgExileCustomCode" with (CHOSING WHICH MODS YOU ARE USING AND DELETE OTHER LINES) class CfgExileArsenal { #include "TRADERS\ARMA3V\ItemListARMA3V.hpp" #include "TRADERS\ARMA3W\ItemListARMA3W.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPW\ItemListCUPW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPV\ItemListCUPV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HAP\ItemListHAP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HLC\ItemListHLC.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HVP\ItemListHVP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HVP\ItemListHWP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Jonzie\ItemListJonzie.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASV\ItemListMASV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASW\ItemListMASW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\R3FW\ItemListR3FW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSV\ItemListRHSV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSW\ItemListRHSW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\TRYK\ItemListTRYK.hpp" #include "TRADERS\PODS\ItemListPODS.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUSTOM\ItemListCUSTOM.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Exile\ItemListExile.hpp" }; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. IN CONFIG.CPP IN MISSION SQF: REPLACE FROM "class CfgTraderCategories" DOWN TO LINE ABOVE "class CfgTraders" with (CHOSING WHICH MODS YOU ARE USING AND DELETE OTHER LINES) class CfgTraderCategories { #include "TRADERS\ARMA3V\TraderCategoriesARMA3V.hpp" #include "TRADERS\ARMA3W\TraderCategoriesARMA3W.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPW\TraderCategoriesCUPW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPV\TraderCategoriesCUPV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HAP\TraderCategoriesHAP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HLC\TraderCategoriesHLC.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HVP\TraderCategoriesHVP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HVP\TraderCategoriesHWP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Jonzie\TraderCategoriesJonzie.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASV\TraderCategoriesMASV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASW\TraderCategoriesMASW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\R3FW\TraderCategoriesR3FW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSV\TraderCategoriesRHSV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSW\TraderCategoriesRHSW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\TRYK\TraderCategoriesTRYK.hpp" #include "TRADERS\PODS\TraderCategoriesPODS.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUSTOM\TraderCategoriesCUSTOM.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Exile\TraderCategoriesExile.hpp" }; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. IN CONFIG.CPP IN MISSION SQF: EDIT TRADERS TO INCLUDE ALL CLASSES FOR EACH MOD (THE TRADER CLASS FILE HAS A LIST OF EVERY CLASS USED) All mods included are in the trader list.txt file(AND BELOW), comment out or delete whatever you dont need and paste over the top of the same lines. ***YOU CAN REPLACE THE CLASS CFGTRADERS WITH THE FOLLOWING. REMEMBER TO DELETE LIES RELATING TO THE MODS YOU DONT USE OR LEAVE OUT CLASSES YOU DO NOT WISH TO USE FROM THAT MOD (LIKE LAUNCHERS)*** class CfgTraders { /** * Weapons, scopes, silencers, ammo */ class Exile_Trader_Armory { name = "ARMORY"; showWeaponFilter = 1; categories[] = { "PointerAttachments", "CUPPointerAttachments", "MASPointerAttachments", "R3FPointerAttachments", "RHSPointerAttachments", "BipodAttachments", "R3FBipodAttachments", "RHSBipodAttachments", "MuzzleAttachments", "HLCMuzzleAttachments", "CUPMuzzleAttachments", "MASMuzzleAttachments", "R3FMuzzleAttachments", "RHSMuzzleAttachments", "OpticAttachments", "HLCOpticAttachments", "CUPOpticAttachments", "MASOpticAttachments", "R3FOpticAttachments", "RHSOpticAttachments", "Ammunition", "HLCAmmunition", "CUPAmmunition", "MASAmmunition", "R3FAmmunition", "RHSAmmunition", "Pistols", "CUPPistols", "MASPistols", "R3FPistols", "RHSPistols", "SubMachineGuns", "CUPSubMachineGuns", "MASSubMachineGuns", "R3FSubMachineGuns", "LightMachineGuns", "HLCLightMachineGuns", "CUPLightMachineGuns", "MASLightMachineGuns", "R3FLightMachineGuns", "RHSLightMachineGuns", "AssaultRifles", "HAPASSAULTRIFLES", "HLCAssaultRifles", "CUPAssaultRifles", "MASAssaultRifles", "R3FAssaultRifles", "RHSAssaultRifles", "SniperRifles", "HAPSNIPERRIFLES", "HLCSniperRifles", "HWPweapons", "CUPSniperRifles", "MASSniperRifles", "R3FSniperRifles", "RHSSniperRifles" }; }; /** * Satchels, nades, UAVs, static MGs */ class Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations { name = "SPECIAL OPERATIONS"; showWeaponFilter = 1; // for noob tubes categories[] = { "Flares", "Smokes", "UAVs", "StaticMGs", "Navigation", "ExplosiveWeapons", "Explosives", "A3Launchers", "CUPLaunchers", "MASLaunchers", "R3FLaunchers", "RHSLaunchers", "CUPLauncherAmmo", "MASLauncherAmmo", "R3FLauncherAmmo", "RHSLauncherAmmo", "A3LauncherAmmo", "CUPExplosive", "MASExplosive", "RHSMines" }; }; /** * Uniforms, vests, helmets, backpacks */ class Exile_Trader_Equipment { name = "EQUIPMENT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Headgear", "A3Headgear", "HAPHEADGEAR", "MASHeadgear", "RHSHeadgear", "TRYKHeadgear", "Uniforms", "HAPUNIFORMS", "RHSUniforms", "TRYKUniforms", "Vests", "HAPVESTS", "RHSVests", "TRYKVests", "Backpacks", "A3Backpacks", "HAPBACKPACKS", "MASBackpacks", "TRYKBackpacks", "Tools", "MASTools", "FirstAid" }; }; /** * Cans, cans, cans */ class Exile_Trader_Food { name = "FAST FOOD"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Food", "Drinks" }; }; /** * Light bulbs, metal, etc. */ class Exile_Trader_Hardware { name = "HARDWARE"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Hardware", //"R3FTools", "CBuilding" }; }; /** * Sells cars and general vehicles */ class Exile_Trader_Vehicle { name = "VEHICLE"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Bikes", "Cars", "A3Cars", "HAPCARS", "HVPCars", "JonzieCars", "MASCars", "CUPUnarmed", "HAPTRUCKS", "MASTrucks", "CUPArmed", "MASArmed", "A3Armed", "RHSVehicles", "CTrucks", "Trucks", "A3Trucks", "CUGVs" //"MASTanks" //"A3Tanks" //"UGV" //"A3UGVs" }; }; /** * Sells choppers and planes */ class Exile_Trader_Aircraft { name = "AIRCRAFT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Choppers", "CChoppers", "CUPChoppers", "MASChoppers", "RHSChoppers", "A3unarmedChoppers", "A3armedChoppers", "Planes", "A3Planes", "CPlanes", "HVPPlanes", "MASPlanes", "RHSPlanes", //"CUAVs", //"A3UAVs", "Pods" }; }; /** * Sells ships and boats */ class Exile_Trader_Boat { name = "BOAT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Boats", "A3Boats", }; }; /** * Sells Community Items */ class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community2" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community3" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community4" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community5" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community6" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community7" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community8" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community9" }; }; class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10 { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community10" }; }; };