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About IdyllicWolfe

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  1. IdyllicWolfe

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    I've followed the instructions back to back and unless I'm missing something it causes my mission file to hang and no one can join.
  2. IdyllicWolfe

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    Appears to be broken with 1.0.3 - Players hang on loading
  3. IdyllicWolfe

    Trader Vehicle Spawns

    Thanks for that! Works easily
  4. IdyllicWolfe

    Trader Vehicle Spawns

    I was wondering how I would get vehicles that players would purchase in a trader, to spawn in a specific location? I can't seem to find a script on here/guide on how to achieve this.
  5. Hello, I have Roaming AI (Zombies + Normal AI) wondering into the traders which are safe zones and attacking players. The zombies are able to kill the players. What could I put inside the safe zone trigger markers that would that cleanup the AI by deleting them if they enter the safe zone? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, I've been using the 3DEN plugin to create traders. However, when I export the traders both initPlayerLocal and initServer for some reason objects don't work but the traders do. I have provided both files on pastebin: InitServer: InitPlayerLocal:
  7. IdyllicWolfe

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Hello, When using this plugin I can get traders to work perfectly. However, when using objects such as crates, tables and anything to add ambiance to the traders, they do not spawn. The traders are blank and only contain shops with no items. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. IdyllicWolfe

    Esseker Mission Crashes Server

    Hello, I have an Esseker mission file, it use to work properly but now it crashes the server. RPT: Any help would be appreciated.
  9. IdyllicWolfe

    Server Crashes when using custom mission

    Server crashes when using a custom mission for Esseker, I was unable to find an Esseker map for 1.0.0 so I decided to create my own. However, for some reason my server just creases when trying to load said mission. RPT: Tutorial I followed: Edit: After a few more restarts, the server works and I can join except I get "Session lost" and returned to the lobby screen. New RPT:
  10. IdyllicWolfe

    No entry 'bin\config,bin/CfgModels.defualt

    This is the error I receive when trying to join my server, it pops up twice, i'm able to close the first one but am unable to close the second one and have to alt+f4 to close my game. RPT file:
  11. IdyllicWolfe

    cpanel SQL help

    Hello, I currently have a server being hosted by 'Game Servers', now they do not provide a data base but they have emailed me to inform me that I can create a free website and I'll be able to create and manage my own data base. Now, my question is after I've created this and have a data base how can I get it to connect with ArmA? I'm new to hosting missions that require SQL and the forums so sorry if this is an idiotic question/in the wrong section.