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Everything posted by Vishpala

  1. Vishpala

    1.0.4 Update: Pineapple

    This update is different than any other update we've ever released. It includes a new game mode: Exile Escape. This is a completely option addition to Exile and doesn't change the core mod at all. I'll be writing a separate blog on how to setup and run an Exile Escape server. For now, let's talk about all the changes to Exile Mod itself. For a complete list of changes, the Changelog can be found here: 1.0.4 Pineapple We have added a few of the more popular add-on features directly into Exile. Many of you will think "this is pointless", let me assure you that is not the case. The mods that were readily available for these features were consistently being reported to us by server owners as "causing lag" or "not up to Exile standards". Therefore, we have added the following to Exile: SAFE HACKING We've added the ability for players to hack any safe. Players need to have a laptop in their inventory and then scroll wheeling on a safe will give you the option to hack it. The following are all configurable by the server owner: time it takes to hack the safe, chance the hacking will fail, chance that the laptop will be destroyed (removed from player's inventory), max hack attempts per restart on each safe, minimum number of players on the server needed to enable hacking, number of concurrent hacks, if the entire server is notified of the hack, and if the hacking location is marked on the map using this icon If the safe being hacked is inside a territory, the owners of the territory will receive an XM8 base raid notification if the server owner/player have enabled XM8 notifications. Server owners can find these config options in the mission file config.cpp under CfgHacking: LOCK GRINDING You can now grind base door locks. Players will need to have an Exile_Item_Grinder and Exile_Magazine_Battery in their inventory. Then you scroll wheel on the locked base door and you'll see the option to grind the lock. The following are all configurable by the server owner: time it takes to grind the lock, chance of the grinding failing, chance your grinder breaks (items is removed for player's inventory), and if the entire server is notified that a door grind is in progress The owners of the territory will receive an XM8 base raid notification if the server owner/player have enabled XM8 notifications. Server owners can find these config options in the mission file config.cpp under CfgGrinding: VIRTUAL GARAGE Most of you are familiar with various virtual garage systems. To use Exile's Virtual Garage, while in your territory you open you XM8 and click on the Virtual Garage icon. On the drop-down menu, select if you would like to Retrieve or Store a vehicle. If you select Store Vehicle, your nearby vehicles will be displayed on the list. Select the vehicle you would like to store, enter a Vehicle Nickname, and press the Store Vehicle button. If you select Retrieve Vehicle, your stored vehicles will be displayed on the list. Select the vehicle you would like to retrieve and press the Retrieve Vehicle button. Server owners can find the CfgVirtualGarage config in the mission config.cpp: *Note for server owners: This should work with vehicles currently stored in the database using ExAd's Virtual Garage script if you run the Exile 1.0.3-1.0.4 sql update query. XM8 APPS We've now made it even easier to add apps into the XM8. The only difference for players is that all the blank apps have been removed. Server owners will notice a few things have changed in the mission file. First, there is a new file called "RscDefines.hpp" in the root of the mission file. This file contains all the resource classes required by XM8 apps. Second, in the config.cpp there is a new class called CfgXM8, and fourteen new XM8 app button classes. If you would like to create a new XM8 app, we highly recommend using these classes as all the tedious work has been done for you. It is now fairly easy to create and XM8 app and doesn't require converting GUI editor exports to funky functions. To add a new XM8 app you need only to do the following: Adding the button Modify one of the 14 app buttons located in your mission config.cpp textureNoShortcut: The picture to be shown on this button. Can be mission side or client side text: The text to show on the button. This cannot be blank or the app will not show-up! onButtonClick: The code to run when the app is clicked. You can either open your GUI or run a function. (Like the "BOOM!" app) resource: The classname of the resource to be tied to this app. This can be blank if you do not have any GUI. (Like the "BOOM!" app) Resource Creation (Only necessary if you would like a GUI.) Go into Eden and open the GUI editor. Create the GUI you want, remembering that you have boundaries of the XM8. Use GUI_GRID as your grid position type. Give names to your elements and export the GUI as "Config (controls as class)" In the mission config.cpp, under the XM8_App buttons, you will see the other XM8 slides. Create a new slide, using one of the current ones as a template and paste the export into the controls class. Change the inheritance of the classes to use the XM8 resource classes if you would like. i.e. RscText ---> RscExileXM8Text Assign the appropriate IDCs to your classes, giving the Slide class a unique IDC. CfgXM8 Create a new class in CfgXM8, and give it a name Assign the controlID, the unique IDC tied to the slide class of your resource Identify which app this class belongs to by filling out the appID. This is just "App" with the number of the button. If you modified XM8_App05_Button, the appID would be "App05" Finally, add a title. This is what will appears at the top of the XM8 when it's opened. XM8_AppXX_Button If you haven't already, take the classname of your slide, and put it as the resource attribute Change the onButtonClick to use the slide function of the XM8. ['SLIDE_NAME', DIRECTION] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide; Just replace SLIDE_NAME with the name of your CfgXM8 class that you created above, and DIRECTION with the direction (either 0 for slide right, or 1 for slide left) TERRITORY RAID MODE Planting or detonating a breaching charge will now put the territory under attack for five minutes. During that time, players with build rights on that territory cannot do any of the following: Place constructions Remove constructions Move constructions Repair constructions Upgrade constructions Add a lock to constructions This tackles situations where raid victims go full panic mode and place tons of walls to make raiding impossible or where they remove walls to get sudden fire advantage. Server owners can change the time a territory is under attack in their mission config.cpp under CfgTerritories > constructionBlockDuration. Server owners who do not want to disallow the above while a territory is under attack can set the config value to 0. DYNAMIC SIMULATION After multiple Arma updates worth of testing, thanks to @MGTDB, we've decided to add Dynamic Simulation directly into Exile. We have not removed Exile's simulation monitor so the server owner can decide which one they would rather use. Server owners can enable/disable/configure dynamic simulation in the mission's config.cpp under CfgSimulation. By default, dynamic simulation is enabled and configured for a 60 player server. NEW CONSTRUCTION OBJECTS The following construction objects were created for Exile by @Andrew_S90. Concrete Drawbridge - Exile_Item_ConcreteDrawBridgeKit Concrete Floorport (Small) - Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortSmallKit Concrete Ladder Hatch - Exile_Item_ConcreteLadderHatchKit Metal Ladder - Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit Metal Ladder (Double Tall) - Exile_Item_MetalLadderDoubleKit Wooden Ladder Hatch - Exile_Item_WoodLadderHatchKit Safe (Small) - Exile_Item_SafeSmallKit, Exile_Container_Safe_Small Capacity = 175 PopTabs = 25,000 Old Chest - Exile_Item_OldChestKit, Exile_ Container_OldChest Capacity = 2500
  2. Vishpala

    Exile Escape

    We've opened a test server for Exile Escape. If you would like to have some fun and help us test, you can grab the client files here: DOWNLOAD Please be aware that this is a preview build of @Exile and you already have an @Exile addon folder in your Arma directory. You will not be able to join current 1.0.3 servers with the @Exile addon we provide here, so be sure to rename your current @Exile directory to something else to keep it safe. To join our test server: Rename your current @Exile folder to something else, say @ExileLive Copy the @Exile addon you just downloaded from here into your Arma 3 directory Join our test server Profit To join any other 1.0.3 server after playing Exile Escape: Rename the @Exile folder to @ExileEscape Rename your @ExileLive folder back to @Exile Join any server Profit Server Info: Host: Port: 2302 Please report all bugs here: Wonder what Exile Escape is? Check this out:
  3. Vishpala

    A Word Against Grinding/Safe Hacking

    I've read many incorrect assumptions about the new features we are adding. As with all our other releases, we will be doing public testing before release. Please come and help test the new features so you can give accurate feedback. Also, there will be a detailed dev blog about all the changes. But, everything is configurable and ultimately up to server owners to adjust how they want.
  4. Vishpala

    Clans a.k.a. "Families"

    The much anticipated clan system is finished! We will be referring to them as "Families" in keeping with the Mafia story. You will now get the option to "Create a family" at the office trader. The registration fee is configurable in the mission file under CfgClans. Once you have created a Family you will be able to manage your Family in the XM8. In the Family app you can see who is currently in the Family and who is the leader/"Papa" of the clan. Only the Papa can kick/add members to the Family. If the Papa is the only member of the clan he/she will get the option to Disband the clan. If there are other members he/she will get the option to leave. If a Papa leaves a clan a random Family member will become the new Papa. The Papa will get the option to invite new members to the family in the 8G Network. Families provide you with a few specific benefits. First, the first member of a Family that joins a server is put into a party. Any member that joins after will automatically be put into this party. You can leave this original party and make/join a different party if you choose. All Family members not in the party will display on the map in red. Second, you can create persistent map markers. These are saved to the database and visible by all clan members. There are two types of markers: text/icon or polygon. To create either marker you need to right-click quickly on the map. If you right-click slowly you will drag the map as is the normal behavior in ArmA. Creating icon/text markers are very simple. To delete them you need to right-click the icon/text and press remove. Polygon markers can be a little more tricky. You need to make sure that you close the polygon and that you use less than 10 lines. If your polygon lines do not connect you will see that the Linked field is red. If you have created a complete polygon the Linked field will turn green. (See pictures below.) To delete a polygon you need to click inside of it and then press the remove button. Also, the Bounty system has been scrapped. After months of discussion we came to the decision that there were too many ways the system could be abused.
  5. Vishpala

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    Public testing soon
  6. Vishpala

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    This project cannot be purchased. If we get a significant amount of donations towards keeping the Exile forums and XM8 app running we will release the files to the public. You can donate if you would like but it is not required.
  7. Vishpala

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    Escape was actually coded a year ago by me during a couple days of boredom. My friends liked it so much we opened up a public dev server for a short time. Unfortunately, due to IRL issues, I had to kill the project. Even with PUBG's release people still ask me for the Escape files regularly. Wolf was kind enough to offer to integrate it into the current version of Exile and help with releasing it to the public as a thank you to our community for their continued support. I hope that clarifies things.
  8. Vishpala

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    We don't use a spawn aircraft. In Escape you get drugged and wake up on the island.
  9. Vishpala

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    In Escape, it has always been that you get respect on kills and can "purchase" things based on respect. *Subject to change as we are reworking it.
  10. Vishpala

    My Final Words

    Welcome to the other side. There is life after Arma.
  11. PUBG modding won't be added until after they have completed the game. It is way too early to definitely say yes or no, but I can tell you we have no plans to at this time.
  12. Please post any bugs you encounter with Arma 1.76 here. RULES: When posting please include a server RPT and a client RPT (if possible). Please, please, please read the thread to see if your bug has already been posted. Duplicated bug reports will be removed. Do not shit post. The Mod Team will be handing out infractions for any and all shit posting. Check below for bugs we are already aware of. BUGS WE ARE AWARE OF: GPS UI no longer showing in game - (Check post here: FIX HERE) USE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN POSTING BUGS: Information: Operating System, version? Post your system specifications. (Hardware) Please try to include helpful evidence related to the bug, such as screenshots and videos or pastebins for your Server .RPT( Bug Description: A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language. Troubleshooting/Testing Steps Attempted: Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own. IF YOU WISH TO STAY ON OR ROLL BACK TO 1.74 SEE HERE: Right click Arma 3 in Steam. Go to properties. Beta tab. Enter the code "Arma3Legacy174". Check Code. Click close. Steam should revert back to / stay on Arma 3 1.74. ARMA 3 1.76 BUILD: Changelog:
  13. Locked. Original issues "resolved" and now you guys are just being silly.
  14. We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  15. Vishpala

    Floating loot in strange place

    Odd, but we have know way of fixing incorrect loot positions without knowing the exact position.
  16. We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  17. Vishpala

    wtf is wrong with ur team.........

    Please respect the staff. I'm sorry you are unhappy but this is not productive or respectful.
  18. Vishpala

    XM8 App

    You can now receive XM8 notifications through the iPhone Discord app using our Discord server's XM8 bot;
  19. Vishpala

    iOS app - offer to develop

    You can now receive XM8 notifications through the iPhone Discord app using our Discord server's XM8 bot;
  20. Vishpala

    [CLOSED] pressing 4 to put axe away

    We closed this thread
  21. Vishpala

    [CLOSED] pressing 4 to put axe away

  22. Vishpala

    [SOLVED] Frozen Jets

    We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  23. Vishpala

    [SOLVED] abandoned safe

    We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  24. Vishpala

    starting a new servere

    @Flosstradamus really wants to be allowed to Kamikaze.