William Rogers

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About William Rogers

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  1. William Rogers

    A Hard Lesson Learned About OPSEC.

    You need to find some better friends lol
  2. William Rogers

    Auto Server Restart For Dummies

    I keep getting this Any ideas? if !(ExileServerIsLock> 2016/08/18, 23:34:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _locktime 2016/08/18, 23:34:28 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Namalsk\restart\ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf, line 37
  3. William Rogers

    How to increase my FPS

    Try using dwarden performance builds or a different memory allocator. But Honestly over 40 frames in Arma would be a blessing for most.
  4. William Rogers

    Memory Allocator from Armaholic

    Noticed just about a 10% to 15% performance boost while in a decently populated area building wise. I personally was using the AVX version. Nice find man, thanks for sharing!
  5. William Rogers

    How do I find addOns for mission.sqm

    To run mods, you first need to make sure it is in your server command line. Not all the mods you use mods need to be in the mission.sqm, what mods were you thinking of adding exactly.
  6. William Rogers

    Statusbar Script?

    How could I possibly make this so it just shows health hunger and thirst?
  7. William Rogers

    Status Bar help please =D

    I was using this one, http://www.filedropper.com/statusbar-master I just want to show Health Thirst and Hunger none of the other stuff, anytime I change anything in it I seem to break it lol.
  8. William Rogers

    Status Bar help please =D

  9. William Rogers

    Status Bar help please =D

    Could anyone possibly show me how to make it so it just shows Health Hunger and Thirst?
  10. William Rogers

    Help a newb with a new server. (Wants Cherno)

    On your server install @CUP_Terrains_Core and @CUP_Terrains_Maps and add them to your commandline of your server Then in your server.cfg change where it says Exile.Altis to Exile.Chernarus Add a Exile.Chernarus.pbo to your mpmissions folder (These can be found floating around the forums, I do not have one for you unfortunately) Then your basically done, there's a few things you can do like make the temperature work and such but let me know once you've done that. You will also need to find Chernarus lootspawns.
  11. William Rogers

    Panthera server loading problems

    should be -mod=@CBA_A3;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@RHSGREF;@Exile;@NIArsenal;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@Island_Panthera (Panthera one idk name of your mod for Panthera but spaces need to be _'s) -servermod=@ExileServer;
  12. William Rogers

    I keep spawning outside the map on my server

  13. William Rogers

    Exilemod Loot Position Creator

  14. Hello, I have created some custom items for drugs but I cannot seem to get it so that I can consume them, also how would I add some sort of drug effect?
  15. William Rogers

    Exilemod Loot Position Creator

    Gave up on it honestly, just dealing with floating loot right now