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About deadeye2

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  1. deadeye2

    Zip Ties and Break Free

    The requirements are also in the client code. Try changing it in these files as well: ExileClient_object_handcuffs_breakFree.sqf ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free.sqf
  2. deadeye2

    Anti-PVP script

    It looks like we shouldn't be returning 0. Try this
  3. deadeye2

    Need help with wages code

    That error suggests you're still using the code from your first post ?
  4. deadeye2

    Need help with wages code

    DOH! You're right. It would need to be something like this... _flag = (getPos _x) nearestObject "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"; _radius = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritorySize", -1]; if !(((_x distance _flag) < _radius) && ((getPlayerUID _x) in (_flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights",[]]))) then
  5. deadeye2

    Need help with wages code

    Try this... replace the "if" line with this: _flag = (getPos _x) nearestObject "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"; _radius = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritorySize", -1]; if ((_x distance _flag) > _radius) then
  6. deadeye2

    Need help with wages code

    ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory only needs the position. Try removing the ,0
  7. deadeye2

    Server keeps spawing in ground please help

    You have deleted a closing brace. Just before the line that says: class CfgExileArsenal put another closing brace and semicolon }; This will close your CfgCraftingRecipes block.
  8. deadeye2

    Disable standard HUD

    the ammo display is indeed 1100 the grenade/ziptie display is 1400
  9. deadeye2

    Disable standard HUD

    looks like the ammo might be 1100 haven't tried it yet
  10. deadeye2

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    One problem I see: In your trader categories, every item but the last one should have a comma after it. So after you added your weapon, you should have put a comma after "rhs_weap_svds_npz"
  11. deadeye2

    Prevent loot from spawning

    The file is ExileClient_system_lootManager_thread_spawn.sqf
  12. deadeye2

    Unlock or teleport vehicles at traders

    It looks like you have already overridden the ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf file so the easiest thing might be to make further changes to it. Try changing: to this: and change the unlock positions to what you need. *untested*
  13. deadeye2

    Anti-PVP script

    looks like the god mode check is the one that's causing the problem
  14. deadeye2

    Anti-PVP script

    There's an option in infistar that maybe should be changed if you use a custom damage handler? useCustomHandeDamageHandler = "false"; is it set to "true"? also, maybe this one should be false? GodModeCheck = "true";
  15. deadeye2

    Anti-PVP script

    Something like this? Not tested.