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About Cr4ftii

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  1. Cr4ftii

    1.62 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    Try this Exile Download: I had no issues with that one.
  2. Cr4ftii

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    Thanks @Nathan but I've got a new error now... Server log: 1:45:13 "ExileServer - Player Maurice (UID 76561198198086843) connected!" 1:45:21 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 Maurice (9ac65fc787cbd6803ed3f995ea739939) - #0 "t = if (isNil '_fnc_scriptName') then {'BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler'} else {_fnc_scriptName}; 1:45:21 private _fnc_scriptName = 'BIS" 1:45:21 Player Maurice kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #0 1:45:21 Player Maurice disconnected. 1:45:21 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found Scripts.log: 13.07.2016 01:45:21: Maurice (***.***.***.***:61793) 9ac65fc787cbd6803ed3f995ea739939 - #0 "t = if (isNil '_fnc_scriptName') then {'BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler'} else {_fnc_scriptName}; private _fnc_scriptName = 'BIS" //EDIT: Fixed all my problems using: !!
  3. Cr4ftii

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    1:23:53 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 Maurice (9ac65fc787cbd6803ed3f995ea739939) - #22 "'; 1:23:53 _function = _x select 0; 1:23:53 _file = _x select 1; 1:23:53 1:23:53 _code = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers _file; 1:23:53 1:23:53 missionNamespace setVar" 1:23:53 Player Maurice kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #22 Above fixed. 1:29:51 "ExileServer - Player Maurice (UID 76561198198086843) connected!" 1:29:52 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 Maurice (9ac65fc787cbd6803ed3f995ea739939) - #25 "isNull (findDisplay 46)}; 1:29:52 1:29:52 1:29:52 sleep 3; 1:29:52 1:29:52 1:29:52 ["atkTeleport", "onMapSingleClick", { if (_alt) then { ['tp2pos', _pos] call AdminToolkit" 1:29:52 Player Maurice kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #25 1:29:52 Player Maurice disconnected. 1:29:52 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found //EDIT: I fixed the problem above, but now I cannot connect at all... All it says in my server log is: 1:35:22 Maurice uses modified data file 1:35:22 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Maurice (***.***.***.***:61793) connected 1:35:22 Player Maurice connecting. 1:35:24 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Maurice - GUID: 9ac65fc787cbd6803ed3f995ea739939 (unverified) And I'm stuck in the Connecting screen... //EDIT2: I just connected to fast...
  4. Cr4ftii

    Clean 1.0.0 "Potato" download (

    I've set up a additional Download on my Server (Location: EU -> FR)
  5. I've set up a additional download on my Server (Location EU -> FR)