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About DominoDown

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  1. DominoDown

    Looking for Dev/Scripter - $$$

    My server is pretty much right where I want it at a mods/add-ons standpoint. I am looking for someone who can help me with creating some in-game menus or information pages for players to see things such as craftables and crafting recipes. I am also looking for a live scoreboard. Willing to pay. Please PM me or simply reply here. Thanks.
  2. DominoDown

    v0055 view distance

    Thanks, I finally got around to making this change, it works perfectly now.
  3. DominoDown

    Exile Tanoa Verdic

    I have pretty much built our server to most of these stipulations. I haven't touched the terrain grid. This map in my honest opinion is more visually pleasing than play-ability to the average exiler. I for one enjoy the "vietnam style" jungle ambushes and such that this map makes possible. We haven't hit over 12 ppl at one time thus far but, I didn't expect for my server to get as popular as your main well established servers. But I haven't noticed any major FPS loss thus far.
  4. DominoDown

    v0055 view distance

    Thanks, I'll give this a try this evening.
  5. DominoDown

    Custom Scoreboards

    Would any of you exceptional people be able to teach me how to create a custom scoreboard? I'm looking for a scoreboard similar to what =ADK= servers use. Something like karma, kills, deaths, bambi kills. If anyone is available to help me out I'd be grateful. Possible may even throw you a lil $$$ Thanks
  6. DominoDown

    v0055 view distance

    Anyone else run into the F5 button not bringing up the view distance settings? All I get is a cursor, nothing else populates.
  7. WILLING TO PAY $$$. I'm looking for a mature & experienced individual to help finishing the set up of my Exile Tanoa server with a list of mods and add-ons I'd like implemented in a timely manner. I will pay via paypal 50% up front, 50% after completion. Serious inquiries comment or message me and I will respond. Thanks.
  8. DominoDown

    Brining up the Players list

    I have noticed that when I press "P" to bring up the players list in the server and see kills/deaths/etc. Its not coming up. I checked my keybinds and its all set. Am I just losing my mind and showing my age or has this changed to something else? did they get rid of it? Is there any add-ons that have a more enhanced scoreboard for the server ?
  9. DominoDown

    AKCS Tanoa

    New server with fun, friendly, and active admins. A place for your die hard exile fans who simply strive to survive no matter what. *Update*, recently we have added a few new things into the server: New Status Bar Crafting Menu in the XM8 Bicycle Crafting and Packing (only need 1 scrap metal) Extended Base Mod
  10. DominoDown

    Random Heli Crashes

    Does this add-on work with new Exile and Apex updates?
  11. DominoDown

    1.0.0 Potato Starting Money

    Thanks, should I tick the "Unsigned" column?
  12. DominoDown

    1.0.0 Potato Starting Money

    So I mostly have my server setup to where we want it for now. I'm trying to get my starting cash for other players to start off at 10,000 pop tabs. I thought you made this possible in your SQL database. I've attached a screen shot. Please let me know if I'm doing this wrong. Its currently not working.
  13. DominoDown

    1.0.0 Potato with Infistar

    Thanks, I found a similar response to on another thread about this issue. I've got a support ticket in now with GTX to hopefully fix this.
  14. DominoDown

    1.0.0 Potato with Infistar

    Who HAS been able to run infistar v0054 with the 1.0.0 update? If you are, did you do anything different with your infistar config? I'm in the group that cannot. From the rpt it looks like Infistar starts up just fine, then it says the "<> 0 - infiSTAR_Exile_AdminMenu.hpp in your MPmission is NOT UPDATED ". I just downloaded the zip off infistar yesterday. Prior to 1.0.0 update. I was able to use admin menu. Now I cannot.
  15. If you are having problems with the mirrors. I HIGHLY suggest using A3 Launcher. Just google it. Everyone I've heard of using A3 Launcher has had ZERO issues with the updates.