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About Bobbeh

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  1. Bobbeh

    Error when starting up server

    one of the lines i didn't see didn't have a comma
  2. Bobbeh

    Error when starting up server

    Dw mate, I already figured it out
  3. Bobbeh

    Error when starting up server

    Hey mate, thanks! I'll test it soon hopefully, and yes, I realise that happens, I'm not that much of a noob to that stuff x)
  4. Bobbeh

    Error when starting up server

    When I start up the server, I get an error ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\config.cpp, line 6462: Config: '"' encountered instead of ',' I cannot figure out what i'm doing wrong... config.cpp paste:
  5. Bobbeh

    Error when starting up server

    When I start up the server, I get an error ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\config.cpp, line 6462: Config: '"' encountered instead of ',' I cannot figure out what i'm doing wrong... config.cpp paste:
  6. Bobbeh

    Markers don't appear

  7. Bobbeh

    Markers don't appear

    Hello, I cannot see markers in game on the mission I made. Here's my marker code:
  8. Bobbeh

    Markers don't appear

    Hello, markers don't appear in game on the mission I made. Here's my mission.sqm, someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
  9. Bobbeh

    [SOLVED] InfiSTAR anti-cheat issue

    nevermind, just updated to the latest version of infistar
  10. Hello, the anti cheat that comes with infiSTAR's admin menu detects mission objects as cheats, and causes players to crash. 1:57:27 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| MilkyBob(76561198083397211) | Variable [exileislocked] on object [1f1688094f0# 1055187: hbarrierwall4_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [-1] | 0h 1min 28s [29-07-2017 13-44-59 - v0081] [29-07-2017 13-44-59 - v0081]" Does anyone know how to fix that?
  11. Bobbeh

    Simple Deploy Bike for InfiSTAR's XM8Custom Apps

    Hey man, can you create a quad bike version of this? Thanks.
  12. Bobbeh

    How to make items not pickup-able?

    Thanks man! Now I just need to figure out how to make that can that appears invisible.
  13. Bobbeh

    How to make items not pickup-able?

    Okay, so it works for vests and everything else, but I can still pick them up, and backpacks still fall to the ground and can be picked up