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About Blunt_Zephyr

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  1. Blunt_Zephyr

    can't see wiki

    Easiest way I found out about the various items and how-to build is while ingame. 6<'power on. bottom right, either settings or in there The wiki web, works/appears as it always had (to me)
  2. Blunt_Zephyr

    What's wrong with this age?!

    International community and not all speak English nor could write in English. Other than that. Most young twats fear proper sentence-structure. It's a self-identifier for them like others would get ink or piercings...It's all they have.. (I'd laugh if it wasn't a sad-shit pov)
  3. Blunt_Zephyr

    What is family??

    Your "Mafia Family" akin to a clan, corporation. A Team. I believe it allows for more than one base with the same [TAGS]
  4. Blunt_Zephyr

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    A3 Launcher does download it but if I were open the ingame Launcher, steam takes the @Exile from the @Exile1.0.0 Folder to leave it empty. I manually took the @Exile and put it back into the @Exile1.0.0. Anyone can reproduce similar? Trying server atm works.
  5. Blunt_Zephyr

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    Tried twice and got corrupted .pbo's (unzipping showed the extra @Psycho as corrupt). A3 Launcher (didnt want/havent used yet for A3.never for A2) is DL'n atm. Hopefully, no faults.