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  1. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I personally won't be adding AI to this - too busy with other projects. However, if anyone wants to, go for it - shouldn't be too hard to add the DMS AI. But at the point I guess you might as well use the DMS underwater crate mission I can add this - might need a few days though since I'm tied up with some other things.
  2. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Here is an Igiload.sqf I used which allows crates to be loaded on SDVs (as well as some other vehicles!): http://pastebin.com/PkYrizAU, Search that file for "SDV" for the code to add. Read the first post for a description of the addon. I can't get my screenshots to work in Arma3 right now, but its a simple installation to take a look at the map - drop the PBO in your addons folder and run the server once, take a look at the map, then delete the PBO if you don't like the addon. The current markers are green squares/dots that say "Underwater loot crate". If you don't like those, the markers can easily be changed to whatever you like - can pretty much copy/paste the half dozen lines of code for any markers you like into \BulleitsShipwrecks_Server\code\ExileServer_BulleitsShipwrecks_createShipwreckMarkerCommand.sqf /* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package. */ private ["_marker", "_markerId", "_markerPosition", "_markerText"]; _markerId = _this select 0; _markerPosition = _this select 1; _markerText = _this select 2; _marker = createMarker [_markerId, _markerPosition]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "mil_box"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _marker setMarkerText _markerText;
  3. Bulleit

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    +**[NEW]** warning system for BaseAttack missions as requested by HarryNutz <br /> What's the warning system do exactly? Sounds cool!
  4. Bulleit


    Feature request! Per-toast optional display length :]
  5. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    The crate class Exile_Container_SupplyBox is probably missing from your R3F/Igiload list of items that can be loaded. I have not used R3F towing, but I believe this is how it would be added. I have not tested this. 1) In R3F_LOG/config.sqf, add Exile_Boat_SDV classnames to list of vehicles that can transport cargo: R3F_LOG_CFG_can_transport_cargo = R3F_LOG_CFG_can_transport_cargo + [ // e.g. : ["MyTransporterClassName1", itsCapacity], ["MyTransporterClassName2", itsCapacity] // Here Comes the Vehicle which can Load Stuff ["Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", 40], // Added so SDV can carry cargo ["Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", 40], // Added so SDV can carry cargo ["Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", 40] // Added so SDV can carry cargo ]; 2) In R3F_LOG/config.sqf, add Exile_Container_SupplyBox to list of cargo which can be transported: R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_transported_cargo = R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_transported_cargo + [ // e.g. : ["MyTransportableObjectClassName1", itsCost], ["MyTransportableObjectClassName2", itsCost] // Here Comes the Stuff what you want to load in the Vehicle example: ["IG_supplyCrate_F", 40] ["Exile_Container_SupplyBox", 40] // Added so vehicles, including SDV, can lift supply boxes. ];
  6. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I extended the built-in Exile towing to allow the crate to be mounted on SDV submarines, RHIBs, and rubberduck boats in my server (NOT included in this script), but you could use R3F or Igiload instead to tow/attach the crate.
  7. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Mind if I use these coords in the "Tanoa preset" for the next version? I'm assuming that's essentially the center?
  8. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I have no idea... I can promise you that there's no code in this script that spawns "real" AI. It's possible infistar recognizes the spawned crate or shipwreck as AI? Also, this addon has not been tested by me on any map other than Altis.
  9. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I'd hope so, but in ARMA I assume anything that could possibly go wrong will definitely go wrong... I see no AI in my infistar map; so I don't know why you can see AI marker. If you post the entire BigfootsShipwrecks_Server.pbo file you're using, I'll search for problems.
  10. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Not sure I completely understand. AI are at crate?
  11. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    There's two possibilities: 1) In BigfootsShipwrecks_Server/config.sqf, is the value of "BS_locations_distance_max" set too high given the value of "BS_locations_center"? If so, the shipwreckcs will spawn off the map. Try lowering the value of "BS_locations_distance_max". Here's my config.sqf location values (for Altis), which keeps everything on the map: BS_locations_crateWreckOffset = 10; // Distance from wreck to spawn crate. BS_locations_center = [14912.4,15108.7,0]; // Center o fmap from which to spawn wrecks, on Altis this is in the central bay BS_locations_distance_min = 0; // Minimum distance from BS_location_center to spawn crate. BS_locations_distance_max = 13000; // Maximum distance from BS_locations_center to spawn crate. Careful putting this too high or they will spawn off the map! 2) Something else going wrong in the script because the config isn't being read correctly or there is another script error - in that case, try reinstalling fresh or paste your .RPT and I'll see if I can figure it out.
  12. I'm getting some of these in my .RPT with the latest updated. There's a chance I screwed up the merge, but figured I'd post to see if anyone else was getting them. .RPT entries below:
  13. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Perfect, thanks. Here's a related question: if something was null, when it absolutely should not be, and there's no good default value, what's the "good" approach for handling these in SQF, e.g try/catch/log/exit or just let them bubble up to (a magical unhandled exception handler?)
  14. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Absolutely, this is a learning project for me (new to ARMA modding). But what do you mean exactly by params...
  15. Bulleit

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Thanks, fixed at release-1.0.2 (https://github.com/bigfootcode/bigfoots-shipwrecks/tree/release-1.0.2)