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About Kaleido

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  1. Kaleido

    Exile Reborn RP (HardCore & RP)

    The server is great and has grown very fast. Admin are responsive and will put things to votes so the community stays informed. The player who complained about being banned for ramming a heli is lying, and spent the better part of 24 hour spamming the server with a racist name once he was banned. He's since been unbanned to protect the community from his filthy spam.
  2. Kaleido

    New Update Error

    Delete this.
  3. Kaleido

    Clothing problem

    On the server I play on, logging will always wipe your outfit and revert you to bambi oranges, and your rig. Even if you're wearing base-game, none modded content. We thought it may be from the mods not being updated to match patch Kiwi, but if it's a base game item, why would it disappear on server reboot? We also happen to have a similar issue with dying and when you go back to your body your rig and clothes may be gone. Mostly always the clothing.
  4. Kaleido

    Exile 0.9.8 Kiwi User made Changelog

    Bump, I'd love to see this filled out because the devs didn't feel it necessary to tell us what changed. Things we have noticed; You have to have a certain amount of respect to buy a lot of good things now. You can steal flags, but not sure what you need to replace flag. AI (On our server) are fucking BEEFY and impossible right now.