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About bFe

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  • Birthday 10/25/1990

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  1. Is it on Armaholic? I tried looking a few days ago but I didn't really find anything
  2. bFe

    Tanoa Discussion

    From the devbranch changelog.
  3. Did anyone get a fix for this? 23:10:11 Conflicting addon TRYK_Uniform in 'zabb\', previous definition in 'tryk_unit\' 23:10:11 Conflicting addon TRYK_Uniform in 'zabb2\', previous definition in 'tryk_unit\' 23:10:11 Conflicting addon TRYK_Uniform in 'Zara\', previous definition in 'tryk_unit\' 23:10:12 Warning Message: Addon 'cba_ui' requires addon 'A3_Ui_F_Data'
  4. bFe

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    From the GitHub: The menu's IDD is 7770. In case you use some sort of antihack that has IDD whitelist.
  5. Fixed my CfgDifficulties problem. Fresh install solved it.
  6. bFe

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Note that you can still use the Strider thermal if you sit in the commander seat and right click when you're in first person(not using the camera thingy).
  7. Since its a No Entry message, does that mean that the server doesn't recognize the new difficulty format?
  8. @sideshowfreak Read Page 26-28. I had the same problem. A few possible solutions have been posted but none of them worked for me. Maybe you'll have better luck. Also, try updating BE.
  9. I updated the BEClient, BEServer and BEService, sadly it didn't work. Thanks for the tip though. The start_server.bat file if that matters:
  10. @DirtySanchez I tried that also. My current and non-functioning setup:
  11. I added that but i still(look at the end of the last page) get No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficultyPresets/Recruit.description'. I tried verifying Arma in case something was bugged or missins, but everything checked out.
  12. I added that but i still(look at the end of the last page) get No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficultyPresets/Recruit.description'. I tried verifying Arma in case something was bugged or missins, but everything checked out.
  13. I added that but i still(look at the end of the last page) get No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficultyPresets/Recruit.description'. I tried verifying Arma in case something was bugged or missins, but everything checked out.
  14. bFe

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Same here.