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About bobthemercenary

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  1. bobthemercenary

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Ran the server with only Exile, Esseker, and CUPS Core. Same thing, and same errors in RPT. This is a bug for the books. Could this be OS-related? I scoured my event logs and didn't find anything interesting.
  2. bobthemercenary

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Hmm, the loaded mods do not seem to be the problem either. This has really dumbfounded me for the past two weeks. I am using the PBO that was posted previously with those startup params. Are there any specific config or mission files you would need to see to be able to determine what the issue is? Loot works when I switch to Altis. I have this running on a dedicated rackmount. Windows Server 2008.
  3. bobthemercenary

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    I tried your PBO and there is still no loot spawning in Esseker. I am receiving the same errors in the RPT as the last poster. Is there an exact set of mods that Esseker depends on that are maybe not included in the startup bat? -mod=@CBA_A3;@CUP_Terrains_Core-1.2.0;@CUP_Terrains_Maps-1.2.0;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@Esseker;@exile;heli;kart;mark; -servermod=@exileserver;@marma;
  4. bobthemercenary

    Esseker Loot spawns??

    Is there honestly no answer for this question?
  5. bobthemercenary

    Esseker - No Loot - No Clue

    I've seen problems like these resolved by someone who knows what they're doing connecting remotely to the person's server and using something like TS to work through the issue. Would it be possible to handle this that way? There are posts all over about this same issue and I feel like it's one little config tweak that's needed. I'll even pay at this point. I just want the thing working.
  6. bobthemercenary

    Esseker - No Loot - No Clue

    I tried your recommendation and unfortunately there has been no change. I noticed the following lines in the RPT at the exact moment items would have supposedly spawned: 18:24:43 Object id 8902bf5b (1883) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved 18:24:43 Object id 8902bf58 (1880) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved 18:24:43 Object id 8902bf5e (1886) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved 18:24:43 Object id 8902bf5d (1885) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved 18:24:43 Object id 8902be82 (1666) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved 18:24:43 Object id 8902be85 (1669) not found in slot 87,72 18:24:43 Link cannot be resolved Just pages of that. Could there be something missing or misconfigured somewhere? Edit: Yep, these are occurring every 30 seconds, when the loot check should be happening.
  7. bobthemercenary

    Esseker - No Loot - No Clue

    I have a brand new Esseker server up and running, but no loot spawns anywhere whatsoever. I tried editing the Exile Server config.cpp file using the recommendation in this thread: But, no dice. I am not even given a message that loot has spawned. There is an incredibly lax amount of information on this, I've been searching for several days now. Also not sure where exactly the CfgBuildings_Esseker.h file should go in the first place. Just packaged in the PBO? I've attached some of my files below. Any help would be appreciated, I'm getting pretty frustrated now. Doesn't help that Hollow's walkthrough is gone. Latest RPT: Exile_Server_Config config.cpp MPMission config.cpp
  8. bobthemercenary

    Esseker Ivy01_edge.paa error

    I am seeing the same issue. Running Esseker/Exile with CUP Core and Maps on a new server. I've tried a few things, but still can't get any textures/objects to load.
  9. bobthemercenary

    Esseker loads a field of rabbits

    Back again with another weird issue. I've been trying to get a server working with Esseker+Exile for the past week. What's happening is that, when a player spawns in, the only things in the game are the ground texture and bunnies hopping around. No trees, buildings, etc... I've tried AiA and CUPs mods (also together). Everything is fully updated and keys are in the keys folder. Startup script is fine. Not sure if I should edit my mission.sqm or any config files to reflect using CUPs or vice-versa. Also, when clients browse to my server in the list, it says that Exile/Esseker/CUPs mods are required, and not allowed at the same time. When connecting, they get an error that it can't load an Ivy texture. I've posted some of the relevant files below. Startup Batch: Config.cfg / ExileServer: Mission.sqm: Latest RPT file:
  10. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    Found the problem. I had not copied over the new keys from the upgrade package. Thanks to all who assisted.
  11. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    I was also running 0.9.6. Upgraded to, but the issue remains.
  12. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    I also have this set in config.cfg: onUnsignedData = ""; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = ""; I'm sure that isn't secure, but I'm trying to isolate the problem, then put all of the security back in place.
  13. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    I've removed the second servermod parameter (because I'm an idiot) and removed all but @Exile from the mod load list. I've also verified the keys are in the correct folder. Restarted server, still saying all of the PBOs associated with Exile are unsigned. I also checked that @Exile and @ExileServer are where they should be.
  14. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    -mod=@exile;Kart;Mark;Heli; -servermod=@exileserver; -servermod=@marma; -config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit I left it as it came with the mod. Also, players are receiving an error that none of their PBOs are signed, but they actually are because they are able to log in to any other Exile server. Changing verifySignatures to 1 or 2 gets rid of the original message that Exile is not allowed, but now they are receiving the unsigned error.
  15. bobthemercenary

    Exile mod not allowed

    Hello all, Your install guide was very straighforward, but I've hit a snag. Whenever anyone tries to join my server, they are kicked back to the lobby continually. After trying it from my PC, I am seeing this: If you'd rather not hit the link, the server select screen shows that Exile mod is both required and not allowed. I know there is just one step I missed in some config file somewhere. If you'd like me to link any of them, I will. Thanks in advance.