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About EliteScouter

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  1. EliteScouter

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Did you figure out a fix for this? Mine also resets the users respect as well and doesn't add any money. EDIT: Nvm my friend fixed it, changed some code around it's working again.
  2. EliteScouter

    New XM8 App coding?

    I followed all the instructions in the last few pages and for the life of me I can't get any buttons to display anything but a blank page with no back button. Anyone have anything else I can try? EDIT: Fixed it. My old classes were not under XM8 class.
  3. I converted everything over minus the things included in 1.0.4 and it's running great. For the XM8 apps, what would be the call for onButtonClick for the Status Bar
  4. EliteScouter

    EliteExile is back! 1.0.4!

    EliteExile is coming back after a yearlong break. In January of 2017 we ranked #7 for an Exile mod Altis server. After many requests from the community to bring back the server with the qualities it used to have, we decided to spin it back up! We did a 2 week long open beta testing to squish out the bugs that players have encountered and last night decided to wipe the database and officially open the server back up for good! We adjust our server the way our players like it. We listen and make the changes to keep our players happy. We keep it a clean and friendly environment. 3/9/18 - Updated to 1.0.4 Exile! On the server we have: -> 300+ AI Roaming/Guarding Missions at all times throughout Altis. -> Zombies throughout cities and military bases. -> Capture Points -> PVP Cities -> AI Vehicles roaming the map. -> AI DayZ Heli Crashes, AI Loot Crates, and AI Missions. -> Tweaked Loot & Death area on the island. -> Halo Jump, Rope Tow, Recipes, and Customizable Status Bar! -> Revive -> Paintshop -> Virtual Garage / Hacking / Grinding -> XM8 Apps -> Day & Night Cycle (Fast Night) (Vote Enabled) We are open to suggestions. We listen to our players and do our best to make sure players get the best experience while playing on our servers. Our Website: Http://EliteExile.com Discord: https://discord.gg/3dXahGg Server IP: Come join us and get the best Exile & Zombies experience. Mods Required: Exile, Ryan Zombies Server dedicated on 1Gbps connection, SSD Raid, and Multiple Xeon Processors.
  5. EliteScouter

    SQL - Bad connection string format, can not find '='

    We figured it out, apparently the SQL DB password can't contain "/"
  6. Just created a server after a good 8 month break and I am unable to get it going. I am running this on Server 2016. The error I get is: extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini extDB2: Detected 24 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads [01:26:22:499831 --7:00] [Thread 5292] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [01:26:22:500445 --7:00] [Thread 5292] extDB2: Database Exception Error: MySQL: [MySQL]: create session: bad connection string format, can not find '=' [01:26:22:500909 --7:00] [Thread 5292] extDB2: Sending Shutdown to Armaserver I checked extdb-conf.ini and it looks good, I am honestly not sure why this is coming up but the server won't start. Any ideas? EDIT: Looks like if I launch it as arma3server_x64.exe, it works fine? But it won't run as 32 bit.
  7. EliteScouter

    EliteExile Altis

    EliteExile has been up for almost a year now. We host multiple servers with a medium to large size community. Over the lifetime of our Altis server, we have had over 37,000 player accounts in our database. In January 2017, we have reached #7 in ranking for a server running Exile on Altis. We have built our server to satisfy the needs of our players. When players asked for something, we listened and implemented it. As on 5/21/2017, we have upgraded to 1.0.3 and wiped our database since it was long overdue. This means that the map is empty and now you can claim your base at your favorite spot. What we run on our server: Zombies AI Missions Tow Air Drops Server Events Halo Jump Roaming AI Random Crates DayZ Heli Crashes Player Market (MarXet) An XM8 with extra apps (View Adjustment) Vector Building Paint Shop Enigma Revive Safe Hacking (Min 15 players on) Lock Grinding Virtual Garage More Vehicles/Weapons Come join us and see what EliteExile is really about. We are going to be spinning up a CUP server down the road for those who want more content. We run our servers on a high performance dedicated server with 24 cores, 128gb ram, and SSD Raid. Dedicated 300Mbps connection to handle all of our traffic. Our servers are optimized for best FPS and latency. The server's location is NW.
  8. I have multiple users on my server getting kicked. Wrong signature for file a3\structures_f_exp\military\fortifications\hbarrier_01_big_4_green_f.p3d The server is up to date on Arma and Exile. I have the Signature checks set to 1. Anyone else having an issue with this?
  9. EliteScouter

    Couple questions regarding a few bugs on my server

    Thank You. Do you know when the new update will be released?
  10. I have tried looking for fixes but was unable to come up with anything. If anyone knows how to fix any of these, that would be awesome! 1. Anyone typing in a 5 digit pin when buying a vehicle can bypass the reputation requirement. 2. I know this was a new Arma bug, when users connect to my Altis server it shows a Tanoa map when users connect. 3. Flares don't seem to work well, no matter how many flares you launch the AI still hits you. Thank You
  11. EliteScouter

    Purchase Any Vehicle with 5 code pin fix

    This was brought to my attention by a few players on my server. Anyone can enter in a 5 code pin and it removes the reputation requirement. Is there a fix for this? I have searched around and couldn't find anything.
  12. EliteScouter

    Vehicle/Containers Not updating

    Have you found an alternative? I really like the roaming AI, heli crashes, loot crates and etc but I would also like my database to save correctly.
  13. EliteScouter

    infiStar kicking/banning people

    Bump. Still happening!
  14. EliteScouter

    infiStar kicking/banning people

    I have -1 whitelisted and it's still kicking/banning people for using the scoreboard with the laptop. People are getting kicked for typing "?" in chat. I have all bad words removed from the plugin and it's still doing it.
  15. EliteScouter

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    Any temp fixes for the bodies duping on log off?