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About aaron2912

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  1. aaron2912

    [SOLVED] Mr Stat contact needed

    This was the link in which was given to us in order to "find out why we were banned" and we have found one today its sooo much better....except I cant lock my car lol
  2. Me and miguelito need contact asap. One of your admins have falsified information to allow for me and mig to be banned under the impression that we had "dupped" items even though we were both new spawns as well as never had 2 or more of the same item in our inventories. I was banned as well after defending mig over the chat. This can be shown as unprofessional behavior vs players due to the fact jebus didn't like how we were making our caps back by killing people that bought cars in order to return them so we could buy our own gear and progress to the mission areas. Miguelito has even see in chat that Mr stat had said there is no rule agienst it and if this is not resolved I urge anyone else that may have conflicting interests with any one of the admins to uninstall. This is because if this is not resolved it is a indicator that one or both are correct, admins are unreasonable and/or admins have become dictators that can not take responsibilities for their own actions. as well as if any of this "duping" may be true provide CONCRETE proof it had happened because the server on our said crashed before this happened and it could have been because of the server malfunction that caused an error that could have indicated a threat not a real issue by the player and jebus was once again unreasonable in the request and thus I was banned. I want this looked into and respawned to by Mr stat. Miguelito has talked to him as well as trusts him and will be the one we look to as a trusted admin as of this situation.