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Everything posted by WURSTKETTE


    loadScreen - picture logo.jpg not found

    Hey, i added a customlogo into missionpbo (logo.jpg and also tried with logo.paa). Once i load into server, i get the message: picture logo.jpg not found Curious, the server is displaying the customlogo in the box - but still throw out this message two times. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Server Settings - Modify at will /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// author = "Exile Mod"; onLoadName = "test"; onLoadMission= test"; loadScreen = "logo.jpg"; disableChannels[] = {0, 2}; OnLoadIntro = ""; OnLoadIntroTime = false; OnLoadMissionTime = false; Any ideas what causing this?

    Shipwreck Script

    Maybe, if you would share the shipwreck script you're using.

    Creating a mission file

    Please don't, guys. Anyway, prolly noone gonna create that file for you - unless you gonna pay - obviously.


    First issue, wrong login - second issue you try to run 64bit on extdb2.

    Arma 3 Action text

    I could be wrong but if i remember correctly, if you don't set a color it'll take the one defined by exile - did you tried that? Instead of spawning it in, alternative, you could use class CfgInteractionsmenu in config.cpp it alsow allows conditions, wouldn't that also suit your needs?

    Arma 3 Action text

    Might got ya wrong, do you even WANT a similar grey color and not the exact one exile is using? If you add in an action without altering the colors (text formatting) it take the values from CfgInGameUI deposited in config.bin colorBackground = {"19/255", "22/255", "27/255", 0.900000}; //dark grex action box colorText = {"111/255", "113/255", "122/255", 1}; //light grey text colorSelect = {1, 1, 1, 1}; //white text on selection colorBackgroundSelected = {"63/255", "212/255", "252/255", 0.600000}; //light blue selected box But i guess, you really want just a slight different grey for your custom action and once chaning the color on addaction by structured text, it'll will be that color only - selected or unselected. Not sure if there is even a smart way to get around that and have a 2nd color if selected. If you find a way, let us know pls class CfgInGameUI { class Actions { align = "0x00 + 0x08"; shadow = 0; x = "(safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.5)"; y = "(safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.6)"; w = "300 * pixelW"; font = "PuristaMedium"; size = "18 * pixelH"; rows = "5*SafeZoneH"; arrowWidth = 0.015000; arrowHeight = 0.020000; iconArrowUp = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\arrow_up_gs.paa"; iconArrowDown = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\arrow_down_gs.paa"; background = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\imageCornerElement_ca.paa"; underlineSelected = 0; colorBackground = {"19/255", "22/255", "27/255", 0.900000}; colorText = {"111/255", "113/255", "122/255", 1}; colorSelect = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorBackgroundSelected = {"63/255", "212/255", "252/255", 0.600000}; }; class DefaultAction { font = "PuristaMedium"; size = "18 * pixelH"; colorText = {"255/255", "180/255", "24/255", 1}; shadow = 2; showHint = 0; showNext = 0; showLine = 0; relativeToCursor = 1; offsetX = 0.000000; offsetY = 0.045000; hotspotX = 0.000000; hotspotY = 0.000000; textTipFade = 0.400000; textTipDelay = 0.400000; }; class CommandBar { left = -1; top = -1; show = 0; }; };

    need help

    would be good to see a screenshot, to see if there is any possible way of hacking it. If not, i would contact the admin/support of the server - imho a healthy server shouldn't allow unraidable bases

    Virtual Garage Spawn

    post rpt + extdb + customcodes. spawning a vehicle on structures like wood or any strutcures (beside of concrete) is a problem since day one (unless, i didn't got the catch).

    "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Unknown Protocol"

    pls post extdblog and full rpt

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    rpt pls, i would guess -autoinit is missing.

    Best place to rent a server

    hetzner - in the serverexchange here and there you find pretty good deals.

    Stuck in ground

    post extdb and rpt @pastebin.com

    Hourly Paid Server Developer

    And you took the information he's lazy from where? Did you had a private we don't know about, you should mention?! Some peeps just don't have the time (starting from scratch, figure out bla bla) but resources and ideas to create something by themself. Beside the fact we already have hundreds of low/0 pop servers - what's wrong askin for someone, setting up a server for money? Do you also question someone lookin for a doc treating a (simple) wound, someone ask for an electrician taking care of your doorbell or the guy askin a mechanic replacing your wheels, tax declaratio...and so on...

    Exile Traders

    You have to use the class X instead of the name (and for sure you have to add items but i guess you removed them to keep the post as short as possible) Example: class Exile_Trader_Armory { name = "ARMORY"; showWeaponFilter = 1; categories[] = { "NIArmsAmmo", "NIArmsWeapons" }; }; class Exile_Trader_Equipment { name = "EQUIPMENT"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community4", "Community5", "Community6", "Community7" }; };

    Automatic garage storage of destroyed vehicles

    As i understand his end goal, he want to have special cars (very expensive to buy) be able to purchased one time. Once they get destroyed (doesn't matter if by accident, by player or a bug). People who bought those cars, should be able to get the car back at their garage. What you're askin for is pretty "easy" to implement, but i see many flaws on that, just to name a few: 1. Vehicles dumped in ocean won't be destroyed. (There could be a action on the virtual to remove it from DB) 2. Exploiting and creating big stash of poptabs by selling the car over and over. (Could be prevented by sellprice = 0) 3. As said by Z80, car gets stolen (If sellprice = 0, enemys won't even steal that vehicle anymore and since it's just that unique shouldn't they be rewarded for it. Sure you could go with something like if not vehicleowner, then sellprice = X and other checks but there is always a way to circumvent that. Same goes for method one, if you can delete it on VG by an action, it's gone for the enemy and lead to confusion.) 4. if it's a armed vehicle, destroying to prevent fee for rearm (could spawn with 0 ammo) I think you should get thru all possible scenarios and rethink that project, as said b4 even if you do it minimalistic as possible this not going to be a 5 line code and unless you find a very smart idea how to prevent the sell exploit (wich would affect the fairness for other players) this is going to be really tricky.

    Exile Traders

    Cuz of spaced used in the cat itself, i think your calling the name instead of the cat (hard to tell without seeing the cat)

    Help needed, struggling with exile escape database

    Full RPT + extdb2 logs please @pastebin.com

    InfiSTAR Access thru MySQL - is it possable

    Even if that would work, you still had to restart the server cuz the exile ahat config is loaded once when infistar is initializing/upon server start and not upon player join (taking your example of altis life police ranks).

    Removal Of countermeasures


    Exad Apps Ausrichten

  21. Please share the code you implemented
  22. ah, sure it's in the format - woops. Just remove them lines, it shouldn't mess up the bar tho.
  23. //display the information ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format [" // <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\players.paa' color='%9'/> %2</t> //<t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\health.paa' color='%9'/> %3%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\poptab_ca.paa' color='%9'/> %4</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\hunger.paa' color='%9'/> %5%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\thirst.paa' color='%9'/> %6%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\snowflake.paa' color='%9'/> %18%20</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\thermostat.paa' color='%9'/> %19%20</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\exile.paa' color='%9'/> %8</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'>FPS: %7</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\compass.paa' color='%9'/> %11</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\restart.paa' color='%9'/>%12:%13</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, _hunger, _thirst, _serverFPS, _respect, _colourDefault, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _dir, _hours, _minutes, _colourDamage, _colourHunger, _colourThirst, _colourCold, _ambient, _bodytemp, "°C" ]; Just comment out, as shown in this example.