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  1. OMGS

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    hmmm...I think I did what you said to do, but it's causing the server not to start. This is the error I'm getting in the log when the server starts. ErrorMessage: File , line 1: Config: End of line encountered after ClaimVehicles_Server Here is my ExileServer_ClaimVehicles_network_saveVehicleRequest.sqf file: /* Name: ExileServer_ClaimVehicle_network_InsertClaimedVehicle.sqf Author: MezoPlays Copyright (c) 2016 MezoPlays This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_sessionID","_package","_objectNetID","_pinCode","_ownerUID","_vehicle"]; _sessionID = _this select 0; _package = _this select 1; _objectNetID = _package select 0; _pinCode = _package select 1; _playerObject = _sessionID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject; _ownerUID = getPlayerUID _playerObject; _vehicle = objectFromNetId _objectNetID; try { if !(alive _playerObject) then { throw "You must be alive to claim a vehicle!"; }; if !(_vehicle isKindOf "AIR" || _vehicle isKindOf "CAR" || _vehicle isKindOf "TANK") then { throw "That's not a vehicle!"; }; if (_vehicle getVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", true]) then { throw "This vehicle is already claimed!"; }; /*Removed so that we can claim AI spawned vehicles if !(isNil {_vehicleObj getVariable "SC_drivenVehicle"}) then { throw "This vehicle is owned by the server!"; }; */ if !(count _pinCode == 4) then { throw "Your pincode must be 4 digits!"; }; _playerObject removeMagazineGlobal "Exile_Item_CodeLock"; _vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",-1]; _vehicle setVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", _ownerUID]; _vehicle setVariable ["ExileAccessCode", _pinCode]; _vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", true]; _vehicle lock 2; _vehicle call ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_insert; _vehicle call ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_update; [_sessionID,"notificationRequest",["Success",["You're now the owner of this vehicle!"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; } catch { [_sessionID,"notificationRequest",["Whoops",[_exception]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; };
  2. OMGS

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Oh cool. I'll try that. BTW thank you for this script!
  3. OMGS

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Has anyone found a fix for not being able to claim DMS/Occupation Vehicles? -When I try to claim an AI spawned vehicle I receive the message "This vehicle is already claimed!" Exile spawned vehicles and Airdrop vehicles work fine.
  4. OMGS

    Extended Base Mod - Edited Craft List + Deconstruct

    Very handy, thank you!! I'll try installing this tonight...
  5. Honestly, I am not sure exactly what I did to get the Kick message. I was tinkering around with some mods and had to manually restarted my server (this was after a scheduled restart) and once I joined the server again I received the "kick after 30 seconds" message. I'll try to replicate this again tonight and give you more info.
  6. Anyone else getting "you'll be kicked in 30 second" warning after a manual server restart?
  7. OMGS

    mass message

    This would be awesome! @infiSTAR And would it be possible to incorporate notification types like "dynamicTextRequest", "standardHintRequest", "systemChatRequest", "textTilesRequest", much like the DMS mod.
  8. OMGS

    BEC Restart Messages

    Is there a way to have the BEC restart messages displayed more prominently on the screen, other than in the side chat?
  9. OMGS

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Quick question, I see the SC_maxAIcount in the Occupation config file. Is this the correct place to increase or decrease the amount of AI?
  10. OMGS

    Loading Screen

    @Eichi that's great. Please don't misunderstand me, I wasn't complaining because that loading screen looks awesome. I was just hoping server owners could tailor their servers to suite their community...and from what you say, we will!
  11. OMGS

    Loading Screen

    I'm lucky if I have 4 players on my server at any given time. I don't have VIP err slots.
  12. OMGS

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Ah, yes. That is the problem. I thought the missions would take precedence over roaming AI and such. But now that I think about it what you said makes perfect sense. Thanks!
  13. OMGS

    Loading Screen

    Sad that server owners can't customize this screen but it looks awesome!
  14. OMGS

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello, I just installed DMS and seems to be running fine but I can't seem to get more than 2 missions to run concurrently at a given time. Here is my setting: DMS_MaxBanditMissions = 4; // Maximum number of Bandit Missions running at the same time I also have "Occupation" running and "A3XAI". I am new to hosting a server, so if you need anything else just let me know.