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Everything posted by malbogia

  1. This is the code from the occupation.sqf, see the switch (toLower worldName) do at the top, and then it goes into case "chernarus" case "tanoa" This means the occuption mission will NOT spawn on an unsupported map, sooooooo as I've already said removing // in front of the occuption in static mission WILL work just as second_coming originally said, and yet, people seem to think that is wrong....../boggle My last post on this subject as this is for support and not for arguing who is right and who is wrong
  2. /* "Occupation" static mission for Altis, Chernarus, Namalsk and Taviana Created by second_coming */ He is the original script writer for those missions and original directions on how to implement it into DMS before eraser1 and defent made it a default mission. Nice try though Not saying that you are wrong, yes, you can add the occupation script in, in the map config, for that map, if you want it to run globally for all available maps, you would remove the // like second_coming said.
  3. All I did was remove the // from the occupation to get it running just like second said....... also probably not the best idea to tell the guy who wrote the script in the first place how to get it to spawn/working correctly......
  4. malbogia

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I think people fail to realize, looting bodies is considered mission loot as well........
  5. malbogia

    Bring back the lobby

    weird, worked last time i tried it. I'll double check to see if I did anything else
  6. malbogia

    Bring back the lobby

    you do this by setting skiplobby = 1 to skiplobby = 0 in the description.ext
  7. malbogia

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    you can put code in a spoiler, select spoiler first, then select code
  8. malbogia

    Problem with 3DEN Plugin?

    if you're placing them in buildings that you are placing and not already a part of the map, you have to turn simulation on, on those buildings. as for the chairs, they have been buggy like that, even the default exile mission file chairs have some issues, they'll fix it i'm sure
  9. malbogia

    The Special Purpose Helmet is too strong

    hence you should talk to whatever server admin controls the server you play on, because like you said, this is an apex item, not an exile item.
  10. malbogia

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    That's a feature, not a bug. People asked for that to be added. if you don't want it you can remove this part from discussed one page back already......
  11. malbogia

    Tanoa Loot Pos [WIP]

    they have tanoa loot positions included in their new exile files. Now if you want to go through and make your own is a different story
  12. malbogia

    Updating server diffcult

  13. malbogia

    Updating server diffcult

    ok, you are still running the wrong version of arma, still trying to run 1.60 and the new apex version is 1.62, you need to run your steamcmd and update the files, using this number Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780. Information aquired from
  14. malbogia

    Updating server diffcult

    just post from start until the first crash then don't need anything after that if its doing a crash loop
  15. malbogia

    Updating server diffcult

    can you post a new rpt for it?
  16. malbogia

    Updating server diffcult

    haven't updated the server to the new verion......hence why you are getting so many errors related to the new apex models trying to run the new versions of exile can't find exile.tanoa pbo usually means you don't have it in your mpmissions folder
  17. occupation has a built in faster day/night for timers SC_fastNights = true; // true if you want night time to go faster than daytime SC_fastNightsStarts = 18; // Start fast nights at this hour (24 hour clock) eg. 18 for 6pm SC_fastNightsMultiplierNight= 24; // the time multiplier to use at night (12 = 12x speed) SC_fastNightsEnds = 6; // End fast nights at this hour (24 hour clock) eg. 6 for 6am SC_fastNightsMultiplierDay = 4; // the time multiplier to use during daylight hours (4 = 4x speed) set it to false, make sure to read throughly through config's
  18. malbogia

    MySQL Error: Failed to initialize database protocol

    ^^^ thats what i meant, not exile.ini
  19. malbogia

    MySQL Error: Failed to initialize database protocol

    Bascially yes, this is NOT a antihack issue, so should have been posted in the database section. Anyways, your server is not connecting to the database, so depending on how you have the server setup (dedicated/rented/hosting) your sql server is either A. not running, B. seperate machine than the server and it is down. or C. The connection info you have in exile.ini is not setup correctly. Judging from the rpt itself, it looks like you are going through a hosting company, and they normally have things setup correctly. So I'm going to go with either A. they have the database server on a different machine than your game server and the database server is down. Or B. You changed connection settings in the exile.ini yourself and screwed it up or C. one of the machines is getting Ddos attacked and making it so they can't communicate between each other (has happened with me before) Edit: looking and thinking about it again even more, did you even create the database? was the server running fine before or is this something that just started happeneing?
  20. malbogia


    peaked my interest, immersion is always good, but what exactly are you talking about here?
  21. use this, it works with the new toast system, you'll have to fix part of the file like they said, but it works. I'll post mine when I get home from work if you haven't got it working by then.
  22. malbogia

    [SOLVED] Poptabs showing as ANY

    Sounds to me you're getting a little confused on how exactly the new system and the variables are working. both of these variables _popTabsPlayer = (player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]); _popTabsLocker = (player getVariable ["ExileLocker", 0]); only show you what you have on your person and what you have in the locker at the does NOT tell you how much money you have stashed away in vehicles/crates/safes ect..... hate to say it, but sounds like you just wasted your time with a fresh install
  23. malbogia

    Issues with trader placement

    Hate to say it bud, but that's your mission.sqm file not your initplayerlocal.sqf so that is probably why they aren't showing up
  24. malbogia

    InfiSTAR don't works

    you only need to mess with that stuff if you use the built in infistar whitelisting
  25. malbogia

    [SOLVED] messed up mpmission file..

    my issue may have been a bit different from yours, mine was due to a invalid classname. once i got that figured out everything loaded up. The reason infistar not starting stands out is because of the awesome error reporting it does. However, it was not an issue with infistar itself, infistar wasn't loading because the mission file was wasn't loading correctly due to the invalid classname and would just stop at the error and not finish loading the rest of the mission file.