serverCommandPassword = "reallychangeme"; //password required by scripts such as infistar, to perform server side scripting
logFile = "server.log"; //location of log file
verifySignatures = 1; //signature verification, could be implemented as a check box, 0 if unchecked, 1 if checked (default 1)
BattlEye = 1; //another checkbox, default 1(checked)
requiredBuild = 131969;
allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:}; //people should not be able to change this in the configuration editor, advanced users only
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; //same as above
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"}; //same as above
motdInterval = 5; //time (in seconds) between different motd's (messages shown upon login)
maxPlayers = 40; //self explanatory, users should propably not be allowed to change this in the configuration editor
voteMissionPlayers = 200; //number of players required before voting can happen (default disabled, aka higher than player count)
voteThreshold = 200; //percentage of players that need to vote on something for a vote to pass, default 200, meaning that voting is not possible
disableVoN = 0; //disable voice chat, check box
vonCodecQuality = 10; //voice quality, default 10
persistent=1; //continue missions even after everybody disconnects, default 1 for exile, checkbox
kickDuplicate = 1; //default on, advanced users only, though self explanatory
equalModRequired = 0; //if the client needs the exact same mods as the server, default off, better not shown in configuration editor
timeStampFormat = "short";
onUserConnected = ""; //variety of script actions below, better not edited
onUserDisconnected = "";
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";
motd[] = {"Welcome to NostalgiaZ Gaming!", "", "Enjoy your stay!" }; //motd, the way you usually see this done is a text box with an add line button to add a second line (the comma separated strings in this config file)
class Missions
template = Exile.Chernarus; //default map settings, ideally these would grab the names from the mpmissions in order to choose a mission
difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcor
class Exile
template = Exile.Chernarus; //default map settings, ideally these would grab the names from the mpmissions in order to choose a mission
difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcore
Not positive if this is the right one, I have a regular server config, then a Exile Server Config.