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  1. wedgelet

    Issues with missing sqf files

    Managed to sort it, started again from fresh with the PBO and copied the changed config files into it, all working now, thxs for the help
  2. wedgelet

    Issues with missing sqf files

    I've tried highlighting all the files that were in the Exilez file and copying them over to the PBO at the right place in the tree but I'm still getting the same error, I've attach an image of the pbo, maybe i'm missing something that i overlooked, in the file i downloaded for exilez i did notice to files that weren't being used, .gitattributes and .gitignore, not sure if they are related to the PREFIX files, still kinda new to all of this.
  3. wedgelet

    Issues with missing sqf files

    Hi, I'm trying to get Exilez working on my server atm, I've got Ryan's Zombies and Demons working on both server and client and I've modified the Exilez mod with updated coordinates for triggers for tanoa aswell as following the standard install guide but when I start up my server I'm getting no zombies spawning and this in my webconsle: 7:16:24 Warning Message: Script exilez\init\fn_init.sqf not found The exilez.pbo does have the file in but it can't seem to find it. I'm also having similar issues with exile VEMF mission system where I get the following errors: Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. wedgelet

    Help with Battleye script

    So would !"CBA" replace all of my 'current attempt' or just place that infront?
  5. wedgelet

    Igiload issue

    Thanks will try these out, been busy with work in RL and only got back to the server yesterday for abit, will update again when I've tested these solutions.
  6. wedgelet

    Battleye and/or infistar

    Hi, I'm currently setting up an exile server and I've got infistar working but I still need tt work through the battleye exceptions to get that working but was wondering if with infistar working if it is actually need, can infistar do the work battleye can, or is battleye just a better, more secure system?
  7. wedgelet

    Help with Battleye script

    Currently going through my battleye scripts for my new server but having issue with one : 16.06.2016 12:15:18: Ben ( 151bb56fe4d7170b7486a2af1029cd03 - #19 "CBA_fnc_addMagazineCargo","CBA_fnc_addItemCargo","CBA_fnc_addBackpackCargo","CBA_fnc_removeWeaponCargo","CBA_fnc_removeMagazineC" My current attempt is : !="CBA_fnc_addMagazineCargo\",\"CBA_fnc_addItemCargo\",\"CBA_fnc_addBackpackCargo\",\"CBA_fnc_removeWeaponCargo\",\"CBA_fnc_removeMagazineC\"" Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? First time doing battleye restrictions really so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. wedgelet

    Igiload issue

    Hi, I'm trying to get igiload working on my server, I've added the igiload folder to my map file in mpmissions and added the line of code to my init.sqf but all I get in game is the initial message when I join saying that igiload has loaded but no option to load crates onto vehicles such as the van
  9. wedgelet

    Looking for specific mission type

    Exactly what I was looking for, thankyou
  10. Hi, I'm currently putting together my own server for the first time and I've been trying to find a type of mission used by some of the server's I've played before. The missions were shown on the map with coloured diamonds indicating the difficulty and spawned on towns/cities. If anyone knows what these were from I'd love to know where to get them.
  11. wedgelet

    First time doing BE codes.

    Hi, just trying to get my first server up and running with several mods and battleye working, I've been using a tool to write my codes for me but I had a few questions on putting these codes in. Firstly when inserting the codes into the scripts.txt does line 1 count as where it says //new2 or the following line where it starts with it's code (7 eventHandler !="...) and secondly how many battleye restrictions is it common to come across when starting a new server? I'm using CBA and the CUP packs on top of exile and I'm on my 7th exception now.