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  1. Mufasa

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Hi, i am getting the following spammed in my RPT during server start, it started to happen after i set all my vehicles to persistent, if its not an easy fix its no big deal, it still works fine, and only happens at server start, was just wondering, thanks for keeping this updated @Vandest Dont know what i would do without it.
  2. Mufasa

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Well i can confirm that persistent vehicles are now working, i just loaded up my DB with 30 Stryders all pin coded, and can also confirm that they can be stored and retrieved from the Exad virtual garage system.
  3. Mufasa

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Has anyone noticed yet that this file (AVS_fnc_setPlayerMoney.sqf) is missing from the mission file in the last update, not sure if it is now designed this way but i am not having any problems with pops.
  4. looking forward to it man.
  5. Looks amazing man, good job, will you be scrapping the old trader locations?, or just upgrading the current ones.
  6. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I cannot say about the Captive mission man cause I don't use it, I only have custom missions. About the ammo there is a setting for each Ai class, in the GlobalSoldierData.sqf file in your themes folder, for unlimited ammo. If that looks ok you might want to try this, Navigate to Fums\HC\AI\SpawnSoldier.sqf on line 91 under Default, change "Exile_Unit_Player" to "O_recon_F" I changed to this to match the DMS Ai, there are many others you can use, but this seems to work ok for me. Good luck man.
  7. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Edit, Just a note, that with my X-Cam edits disabled, my logs don't go over 200kb in a 4 hour period, but also remember that is not the only thing i had to disable to keep them small.
  8. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    The issue with big logs, 64 mb might not seem like much in that length of time, but even on a SSD if it gets to 5 mb in 4 hour intervals the system will be finding it difficult to write any more data to that file along with all the other tasks it has to perform, they key is to keep your logs as small as possible, but not using them is not really the answer either cause they explain underlying issues that if disabled you would not know about. It has just come to my attention that Fums does not like map edits made with the X-cam editor and I have been forced to make all my edits with the Eden editor, which is very clunky in comparison to use. As of the official Apex and Potato release I have not been able to move Fums to my live server, and this irks me allot because of the countless hours I spent building missions for Apex. I think if the developer of this script does not update it soon the future might not be bright for Fums. The map edits are now the last thing I will be changing to try and make this work, if something else comes up then I will be pulling Fums from my Test server and porting my missions to DMS. Good luck man.
  9. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    hey man, if you are using DMS mission system, it by default freezes all Ai on the map, there is a feature to turn that off, but to be honest it is working for me ok. Another thing you should check is the size of your HC logs, i had an issue where various incompatible scripts would spam my Hc logs so they were that big the HC could not handle the Ai any longer, and they spazzed out and seemed glitchy, and when you shot one it might take half a second or so to register.
  10. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Ok man i might be able to help you, but need more info, Was it working before Potato? Do you use iNfistar, and iff so can you see your HC on the players list on the left? Do you have a HC Rpt file, and if so is there any errors in there to do with Fums?
  11. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Ok I have found my problem for those of you who need the info, My issue was Igiload, I had to make several edits to Igiload to support the new Apex class of vehicles , Now I am not sure if updating something in Igiload or Fums will fix the issue, and frankly for now I don't care, my missions are more important than a loadin script, I will do some more testing on this if I get a chance, but all my Beastly HC Rpt's are gone.
  12. Thanks man, i have mine set up to spawn 10 rolling Ai, and up to 7 of them can spawn on that island.
  13. Mufasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I will say this, I don't know what is causing it yet, I am testing on an ongoing bases, but there is definitely something that it does not like, My HC_Logs can get as high as 55Mb after just 30 min, now that is spam, If any one has any ideas I would love to hear them, If not I will continue testing and report back with my findings, I will include a snippet of the type of logs I am getting bellow.