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Everything posted by Slaughters

  1. Slaughters

    Quality Game Servers ~ Screen Shot Competition

    We need to secure zhe loot! This isn't even probably a valid screenshot but I was bored anyways.
  2. Slaughters

    Mobile XM8 App

    I like the concept of a base being prevented to be raided for 10-20 minutes after all member of the base has logged out, this will make sure you cannot just instantly leave to make sure your base is safe.
  3. Slaughters

    Mobile XM8 App

    You know, there is other ways on publishing iOS apps, like how else do you think there's millions (Not really millions but you get the point) of emulators around built for iOS? App Store isn't that needed as people think it is.
  4. Slaughters

    New Vehicles & Weapons

    Depends, I doubt we'll ever meet on the same server. Syawyna nuf rof lla s'ti ,msacras teg t'nod I kniht ll'uoy dna
  5. Slaughters

    New Vehicles & Weapons

    Can't wait to see how un-synced the reload animation and audio is.
  6. Slaughters

    Loading Screen

    Complaining ish nice, very nice, you should get sum.
  7. Slaughters

    Loading Screen

    I really hope that the images are changeable dependent on the servers. I'd bet the Exile items as loading screens would get tiring quite quickly.
  8. More servers with NIArsenal/NIArms! All Exile servers having Dragonfyre's server keys! Sorry I had the chance and I used it.
  9. Slaughters

    Cinematic Screenshots, of Esseker

    I just wanted to see what people thought about these very few cinematic screenshots(It's really just two), it's just a hobby I like doing when I'm bored, nothing that I'm perfect at. Super original Poll, right? No? Okay.