Vontickle [20th AIB]

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About Vontickle [20th AIB]

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  1. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    How to stop Vehicles unlocking in safe zone

    Many thanks, All sorted
  2. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    How to stop Vehicles unlocking in safe zone

    Hi Guys, Sorry for the mundane post but can't find the answer looking through my server files, Currently after reset vehicles ect will be unlocked, How do i change this so people's vehicles are still locked? Thanks in advance.
  3. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    Server not booting.

    Hi guys, I'm currently renting a server through GTXGaming, When i pull the PBO from the server and edit it and what ever, I re PBO'd and upload back to the server. When i then start the server it seems the map is not loading. Watching the CUP load it appears to boot then stops. Before i changed anything in the file, in game on the server browser it would show creating, then playing. But afterwards its appearing blank. Is there anything that anyone can think of that could be preventing this? If you can help, or even jump on Teamspeak and help I would be greatly appreciative of your help. I'm new to coding ect but trying to learn as much as I can self taught. Many thanks to all who read.
  4. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    Server Start up help Reuqired

    Hey guys, To get straight to the point, I'm looking for some one who can help set up a server with me, I've limited knowledge and need some assistance. Need to be able to have an Exile server with an external DB, using MySQL or what ever to be able to save progress. If you have experienced with adding mods then all the better. I will pay for your service and any server fees incurred. Pm Me or message on steam. Addz_1991
  5. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    Sysadmin looking to get back into Exile servers

    What server/mods do you run?
  6. Vontickle [20th AIB]

    Sysadmin looking to get back into Exile servers

    How did you not work this out from the original post lol, pretty clear cut to me.