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  1. okawa

    Statusbar Script?

  2. okawa

    Statusbar Script?

    Does anyone have a working statusbar they can zip and share with me? The one I have from before 0.9.8 keeps disconnecting everyone.
  3. okawa

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Does it need any modifications or can I just grab the copy from github and it'll work?
  4. okawa

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Does this work in 1.0.0 'potato'?
  5. okawa

    Mixer map icons?

    Solved the problem. I was missing a value in the locations.
  6. okawa

    Mixer map icons?

    Is there anything else that needs to be added? Mine aren't showing up.
  7. okawa

    Mixer map icons?

    Does it require both items or just the bottom one?
  8. okawa

    Starting map view?

    Is there a way to default it somewhere else on the map?
  9. okawa

    Starting map view?

  10. okawa

    Starting map view?

    Where do you set the setting for where the camera will be located when someone opens the map. For some reason everytime anyone on my server opens the map, their camera is in the top right corner of the map and they have to move the map to show where they can see their player icon. Is there any way to change this?
  11. okawa

    Mixer map icons?

    For some reason the map icons for my mixers don't show up. The only thing I changed in the file from the Altis mission I got with the Exile download were the coords. Is something else required?
  12. okawa

    Object placement question

    I couldn't get the plugin to work because the moment I run the a3 launcher and it verifies the installation, it deletes the plugin.
  13. I've looked this forum over and found no answer. I'm trying to place objects in the initServer.sqf file. That file uses this format: ["Exile_Sign_Office_Small", [3112.3191,5456.582,15.405867], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], [false,false]], The editor exports into this: dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={3112.3191,5456.582,15.405867}; angles[]={0,5.1487212,0}; }; side="Empty"; flags=5; class Attributes { }; id=0; type="Exile_Sign_Office_Small"; atlOffset=-0.69999886; The problem I'm having is, where do I get the values for setVectorDirAndUp, as opposed to what is exported, from the editor? What am I missing?
  14. okawa

    ExileZ 2

    The latest version is 4.6 which is what I'm running. Copied directly from the steam folder.
  15. okawa

    ExileZ 2

    I have the very latest version. It lets me connect with the A3 launcher just fine.