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Everything posted by looonytoonz

  1. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    none of the doors open for any of these buildings , any ideas ? this is also true for all other missions... the buildings in zcp work so this must be something to do with DMS im guessing.. ps.... loot does seem to spawn inside a few of these buildings, but the doors dont work so it kinda taunts you
  2. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    working perfectly now... thank you
  3. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    was there anything i needed to add to the mission.sqm ...? for the obsticles and buildings
  4. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    i changed the names... and now the mission *ai and loot crates* spawn.... however none of the buildings or obstacles are loading... and the mission is north of the airfield, im not sure how its supposed to look though so maybe this is where its supposed to be...
  5. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    also noticed that the mission is named "AIStaticBase" in "DMS_StaticMissionTypes" and named "aibase_nwaf" in "DMS_StaticMissionsOnServerStart" and in the missions\static folder the mission is named "AIStaticBase" ....
  6. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    keep getting this error: "Warning Message: Script \x\addons\DMS\missions\static\aibase_nwaf.sqf not found" i think it is supposed to use "a3_DMS" and not "DMS" in the path... however i cannot seem to find where it is being called from...
  7. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    i did ask about adding it to "DMS_StaticMissionsOnServerStart" .... your origanal reply said to add it to "DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart" i just got home from work ... i will add it and check it out again.... THANK YOU....!
  8. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    here is my pbo ..
  9. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    do i also need to add it to: "DMS_StaticMissionsOnServerStart" ?? and everything is hovering up in the sky.... rpt.... 2:35:36 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: aibase_nwaf | _export: <null>" 2:35:36 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 2:35:36 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 2:35:36 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 2:35:36 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42
  10. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    thank you i will throw this in right away and test it
  11. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    that would be frickin awesome.....
  12. looonytoonz

    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    When used on ChernarusRedux map all AI players, AI vehicles, and all the crates spawn 5k north in the woods
  13. looonytoonz

    Monthly Message Limit

    Can I get my message limit upped.....? Please and thank you
  14. looonytoonz

    is there any guide on how to set up a escape server

    OK, so we have played a full round.... i won, got into the heli, then it took off... eventually dropping me into the ocean.. where i died and then was kicked to the arma 3 server browser listings. upon logging back into the server there is no scoreboard, the trader is inoperable, and no countdowns are taking place... server seems to be hung up? this is bone stock no infistar or any mods at least the DB seems to be working properly the issues are as follows: we have no billboard with the scores or timers or anything.... i won the mission and then the heli dropped me in the ocean and i died.... then kicked to the server browser.... rpt: https://pastebin.com/UN6M7K0n any ideas ? anyone
  15. looonytoonz

    Cant cut down trees

    tree chopping for wood is also not working on my server.... since about the same time i do not have the lithium mod though, is there something else going on i wonder? **edit - i should also add that this was working just fine a few days ago... i also cannot find any loot
  16. looonytoonz

    ussfreedom trader not spawning stuff on deck

    im not sure... however i should have updated this post as i have since abandoned this map, as well as had a little more time to tinker in the editor. so all is well, thank you much for the reply though.
  17. So I added a carrier with an on-board aircraft trader into my map... The problem is that once an item is purchased it places you on the beach instead of on the deck of the carrier. So everything is working but that..... any ideas? P.S. hope this is the right spot for this question...
  18. looonytoonz

    sign placement

    here is a question for anyone paying attention: here is my understanding to the area where items are being created in the "initServer.sqf" // CarrierStuff ---- signs, lockers and other.... ["Exile_Sign_WasteDump", [8935.96,6786.69,23.201], [-0.999841, 0.0178356, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Exile_Sign_Aircraft", [8942.91,6785.64,23.201], [-0.999841, 0.0178356, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Exile_Locker", [8939.52,6783.57,23.4999], [-0.999841, 0.0178356, 0], [0, 0, 1], true] here is where i am at with these: i just want to point the signage to 20 deg N/NE... why is it not the same as how other items are placed such as this for example: why wont this work...? ["Exile_Locker", [8939.52,6783.57,23.4999], 20, [0, 0, 1], true]
  19. looonytoonz

    ussfreedom trader not spawning stuff on deck

    i've just built a trader on land without issue using the editor.... so the problems i am having with the aircraft carrier trader must have something to do with it being over water or an issue with using the carrier as a platform for the trader, far as i can tell
  20. looonytoonz

    sign placement

    link to my other post dealing with the same trader:
  21. looonytoonz

    ussfreedom trader not spawning stuff on deck

    video of what is happening....
  22. looonytoonz

    ussfreedom trader not spawning stuff on deck

    ps... by map not being level, i mean that even on the flat surface of the carrier things seem to have different heights depending on where they are placed. and item placed in one spot at 23.5 then move it 10m to the right and it is either under the deck or 20 feet above....