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About fatguy1121

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  1. fatguy1121

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I'm having a problem with building rotations. It seems like new building rotations are saved, but not properly retrieved from the database after an otherwise successful update? Anyone else experience this?
  2. fatguy1121

    Second Scroll Options For Heli Tow Rope

    I've had this problem forever, but I believe it is Infistar to blame. Im not sure though.
  3. Its funny because whenever my server crashes, so does yours. They are somehow related in time. I've found that the Performance V5 binary doesnt crash as often, however yesterday the server crashed twice, and sure enough yours did as well. It has to be something with the xm8 app reporting.
  4. You are partially wrong, and partially right. Builds after V5 definitely crash 300x more often than the V5 build, however V5 still crashes quite regularly, about once or twice per week. Im glad you tested that, because I was about to do the same, but at least we know that wasn't the issue.
  5. Im on the edge of my seat... The performance binaries don't have anything to do with it, as Ive had the crashes on the default builds.
  6. I have no errors whatsoever in my logs except for one which didn't even cause the server to crash. However, I do have xm8 log failures around the same time my server has crashed. Check your xm8 logs
  7. Ill bump it again too, Just had a crash again at exactly 11:05 PM... Some help would be greatly appreciated, I guess nobody cares.
  8. In reply to that, This is the cleanup times.... Maybe you are on to something... Maybe the Exile server is attempting to delete vehicles and items past expiry all at the same time daily? Im under the impression that it checks consistently for a past due time, since exact times are logged in the database, i.e. at exactly 10 days from the last updated time it would perform the delete operation. Not at 11:00PM PST 6:00AM GMT daily
  9. fatguy1121

    server crashing

    Lets take this to your thread, because the OP doesnt have the same issue
  10. Same Issue, Posted this Thread a week ago. CanuckBrian also has the same issue here We have been talking amongst ourselves to try to resolve the problem, but cant figure it out. My ONLY idea is that the XM8.dll is trying to send data to the master server, but doesn't get a reply and it times out causing us to hang? My crashes happen at 11:00 PM PST +/- 7 minutes almost daily
  11. fatguy1121

    Server crashing after a few Hours

    Memory Problem. I had the same issues a million times found out that a memory module would begin to fail as it heated up, and the more load on the memory the hotter it got. Our server would crash with access violations at different addresses around 5PM (hottest part of the day) which made sense. I used memtest by HCI Design (In OS) to fill the RAM, and found all this out. Could also be an allocator issue.
  12. fatguy1121

    Server Not Responding

    So... I, along with another server manager are having strange issues with our servers "crashing" however the server doesn't actually crash. What happens instead is, the server will drop CPU util down to about 10% and memory usage to like 400Mb, then stay there, not processing anything. Players in the server aren't kicked, connections aren't closed, the server console doesn't switch to Not Responding. Everything points to the server working normally, however it clearly isn't. Players are stuck in the same animation they were performing before the crash, and database changes aren't dumped to the database before closing. There arent any RPT's or Dumps created. The only solution is to close the process and start over. I found remedy by completely reinstalling the server files from fresh, but it lasted only 1 week. Im not sure whether this is an Arma bug, an Exile bug, or anything to do with my configs. However the other server manager reports the same issue, however we are using entirely different setups with pretty much everything different incl. malloc, binaries, missions, mods, configs. The only things that bear resemblance are the mods we share in common.
  13. fatguy1121

    server crashing

    Let us know the results of your report. I have the exact same issue, except it seems to always happen in the late evening around 10PM PST. The last attempt to resolve it was a week ago when I completely re-download all the Arma 3 server files and mods. The fresh install worked for exactly 8 days. I just purged all the log files and thinned out the database by about 70%.
  14. I did some nice things for remembrance of 9/11.
  15. I've had this error floating around in my server .rpt's for as long as I can remember. I tried checking whether there was an actual error or not, however I couldn't see the problem. Has anyone else experienced this error? The file is unmodified. 20:18:24 Error in expression <ion] call ExileServer_util_log; [] call _functionCode; }; missionNamespace setVa> 20:18:24 Error position: <_functionCode; }; missionNamespace setVa> 20:18:24 Error Undefined variable in expression: _functioncode 20:18:24 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_event_thread_spawn.sqf, line 37