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  1. I feel like it would be useful if server creators and players could post all the changes they notice in the game for others to see! Suuuuper stoked about the physical pop tabs
  2. Cheiffa

    No More Safe Zone Killings

    Does using the new safezones with this script work?
  3. Cheiffa

    ExileZ 2

    I have zombies that spawn more than they should. I only have the trigger for cities set (Max 2 around player) and Harassing to max 3 around player. But I get more than 5 around me pretty quickly. Anyone have any ideas? I'm the only one in the server
  4. Just want to note that all vehicles have god mode in safe zones but players do not. Players can be shot from outside of it
  5. Cheiffa

    Enigma Exile Deploybike + Respect Vehicles

    Is there anyway to code a Mosquito to spawn the same way but take 10 000 pop tabs from you to do it? If so could you code it and share it? Thanks!
  6. My safe zones aren't showing on the map or working at all Init.sqf My Mission.sqm Halp!
  7. In your server go to SC/Users/Profilenamehere/Profilename.profile
  8. From this thread here and these instructions It seems like it would be really simple. The issue is that I've followed these steps many times now and nothing shows up in my editor. No markers nothing. I've tried with de rapified sqm. Not de rapified (Pretty sure mine isn't rapified at all in the pbo anyways) but it never shows any markers or triggers in my game Here's my SQM
  9. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    Is there a way to make it so I can select generate code for one object/layer of objects? It always selects all my objects in the mission and I'd like to keep my work without having to search through all the created objects.
  10. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    Dont have the cup building anymore. But the Mash med tent loot wont spawn class MASH : Medical { positions[] = { {0.747559, -0.0749512, -1.1795} }; };
  11. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    Initserver was run twice. Not sure why but it was enabled in Initplayerlocal Some buildings don't spawn loot even with the classnames and loot tables set up properly. Any reason for that (For example Cup baracks i ep1. Just using Arma 3 items for now as they seem to work well.
  12. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    Last question. I got duplicates of buildings. Is that because it's initiating my initserver multiple times? Trying to figure that out now. Having to go through 3 doors lol
  13. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    This is what has been working for me Should I change to yours? Or will this one continue to work. EDIT: I guess that's what the last part meant.
  14. Cheiffa

    Problems with Eden custom buildings

    Okay! So the last one I tried worked. Could anyone explain why? woooo