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About TonyH

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  1. Hey guys upon setting my server up with NATO Rus Weapons without issues my clan mate plants his base flag, upon hitting the show radius button for the base flag we get kicked for - #7 "_flagPos select 1) + ((sin _i) * _radius), 0]; _object = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_F", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; Any ideas on this ?
  2. TonyH

    Server setup help

    Hey guys, So i recently bought a arma 3 server through VERT hosting, I have about 10-15 guys in a group that wanted a server of there own so i bought one, However Due to my work schedule and being the only one in the group that has the knowledge to set it up is very tough.I was wondering if any of you guys had the time to help me set it up or I would be willing to pay someone to set it up with a few basic scripts and mods. Thank you if your interested just pm me. All we would want is that is already setup, infiSTAR i already setup on the server A AI mission script A status bar for the bottom of the screen MODS NATO RUS Weapons NATO Rus Vehicles TRYK multiplayer uniforms RHS: AFRF (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) RHS: USAF (United States Armed Forces All of these mods seem to be one click installs from my server hosting company. Thank you for your time.
  3. TonyH

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Just set this up on my server, missions show up start trying them out and get script restriction #30 18.04.2016 09:40:17: -nRg-Sunshine (x.x.x.x.x.x) X - #30 "e "lastGestFreezeT"; if (_VBtemp + 25 < time) then { if (isPlayer _this) then {} else { if (random 10 < 6) then {
  4. TonyH

    A little help

    Hey guys, just got a arma 3 exile server up and running, After installing CUP Mods "Vehicles' Weapons"Units" i get disconnected from battleye script restriction #0 go into the logs and i see this. - #0 "x; } forEach configProperties [_x >> format ["Extended_%1_EventHandlers", _event] >> _className, "isText _x"]; } forEach [config" 17.04.2016 16:20:12: -nRg-Sunshine (50.129.*.*.*) - #0 "x; } forEach configProperties [_x >> format ["Extended_%1_EventHandlers", _event] >> _className, "isText _x"]; } forEach [config"