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[SOLVED] A3XAI were broken after 1.86 on linux server
BlackheartsGaming replied to dzoleg's question in Third Party Mods
No issues on my server running 1.86 and now 1.88. I am running a heavily modified version of A3XAI however that I've tweaked over the years. Are you using the modified version by @Zupa? https://github.com/DevZupa/ZCP-A3-Exile -
Blackhearts Gaming is now hosting an Exile Escape Server. The server is rotating Altis, Tanoa, and Malden maps! Rounds set to 10 mins per round. No mods required (except Exile of course). Advanced Movements are installed but optional. Get to the Choppa!
I did not ask for this to be removed.
So far, It's working perfectly. It turned out to be more mods to more files than I thought, so I am not sure that I want to publicly release it as I don't feel I would have the time to support all the questions that will come with it. I don't know, mabye if I get past what I am working on now I will try to put something together, but it would be offered with little support. The last code I helped someone with got removed for some reason.
I tried searching around for this, but perhaps I am using the wrong terminology. In the Exile Code, is there any reason (performance wise, or security) that certain variables on objects are sometimes set globally and sometimes not? For example, lock state: _object setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",-1]; Taken from the server network_lockToggle script in this case is not set globally. In other parts of the same file (depending on the object type) it is. _object setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",-1,true]; Is this done for a reason and if so what is the reason? Thanks!
Releasing the code for testing on my server. http://blackheartsgaming.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3192
I'm polishing the code and testing it now. Once confirmed working properly I wouldn't mind sharing it. I've removed Ex-AD all together and are in process of migrating all his apps I used to use to comply with the new XM8 changes. It may turn out to be more than 3 files after looking more deeply into it.
All you have to do is modify 3 files and..... Profit.
Nice! Glad it worked. The real thanks are to the Exile Dev team for providing the methods to allow server admins to mod the code however they want.
Can you confirm you made the exile.ini changes? Also add a line after this line to see if we are getting a return from the database: _data = format ["getVehicleCount:%1", (getPlayerUID _playerObject)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle; diag_log format["Debug - Vehicle Amount Restriction. %1 Vehicles Owned.",_data]; This will output a debug line to the rpt file to confirm the database call is returning the proper count. And, you can remove this line. It's already declared at the top of the script. _playerObject = _sessionID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject
Is this the mod you are using? https://github.com/Mezo/Claim-Vehicles
Based on the Claim Vehicles mod you are using by Mezo, I think it would be easier to put the check server side, rather than in the client side file, so we don't have to get into creating network messages. It gets pretty complicated and in this case, having the check server side should be secure enough. First we need to create a query in the exile.ini file to query the database and get a count of the vehicles with the players UID. Add these lines to that file. It can be anywhere in the file, preferably at the end. The file is located in @ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2 - server side. [getVehicleCount] SQL1_1 = SELECT COUNT(account_uid) FROM vehicle WHERE account_uid = ? Number Of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 OUTPUT = 1 Edit the ExileServer_ClaimVehicles_network_saveVehicleRequest.sqf file in Mezos mod like this. Adds are in bold. Change 5 to whatever number you want, and alter the message as you see fit. I tested that the database calls were working properly but I don't have the mod, nor do I know if you have altered these file so I am making a few assumptions. Give this a go and let me know if it works. Remember to test and re-test before putting it into production.
You would need to override the ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf file and put a condition in that does a database check on the vehicles table to get the count of all vehicles owned by the player uid. If that count is less than 5 then allow the purchase. If not, send a toast message back the client stating that the max number of vehicles has been reached.
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/this In Scripts/Functions: The given arguments that were passed by a call, exec, execVM or spawn. For the arguments in scripts executed by mission-made actions or Event Handlers, check addAction and Event Handlers. In Addons' config files: An array with the current object as its first (and only) element. In Addons' custom UserActions: Unit that is activating the action. In Dialogs: An array with the current control as its first (and only) element (only available during runtime). Rough explanation but, in the the script you posted. _this would refer to the variables or objects passed to the script in an exec call. For example: [_player] ExecVM "/scripts/yourscriptname.sqf"; _sessionId = _this select 0; Would be the first element of the array passed starting with 0.
( SOLVED ) A3xai launchers disappear issue
BlackheartsGaming replied to Chainsaw Squirrel's topic in Events, Missions & AI
Do you have a list of the bug fixes you made by any chance? I've made a few myself here and there. Would be nice if we could revive this mod and keep it going. Edit: I should look before I speak. I see your changes here. I will look them over. https://github.com/kuplion/A3XAI/commit/0fb9d48990fb78d406c11a717ccc4e7b05ee82f9 -
( SOLVED ) A3xai launchers disappear issue
BlackheartsGaming replied to Chainsaw Squirrel's topic in Events, Missions & AI
Face had tons of plans for this code, but we all know where that went. Shame. Best AI code out there. -
( SOLVED ) A3xai launchers disappear issue
BlackheartsGaming replied to Chainsaw Squirrel's topic in Events, Missions & AI
Unpack the a3xai.pbo file. Locate the file: \a3xai\compile\A3XAI_unit_events\A3XAI_handleDeathEvent.sqf. Rem out (or remove if you want) the following lines starting around line 52 (ish). if !(isNull _victim) then { //{ // if (_x in A3XAI_launcherTypes) exitWith { // if (_x in (weapons _victim)) then { // _victim removeWeapon _x; // } else { // _launcherItem = _x; // { // if (_launcherItem in weaponCargo _x) exitWith { // deleteVehicle _x; // if (A3XAI_debugLevel > 1) then {diag_log format ["A3XAI Debug: Deleted WeaponHolderSimulated containing launcher %1.",_launcherItem];}; // }; // } forEach ((getPosATL _victim) nearObjects ["WeaponHolderSimulated",10]); // }; // }; //} forEach ((_victim getVariable ["loadout",[[],[]]]) select 0); //{ // if (_forEachIndex > 0) then { // _victim removeMagazines _x; // }; //} forEach ((_victim getVariable ["loadout",[[],[]]]) select 1); if (_vehicle isEqualTo (_unitGroup getVariable ["assignedVehicle",objNull])) then { Profit. -
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound3D Example: playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\blip1.wav", player, false, getPosASL player, 1, 1, 0] Replace the getPosASL player with a coordinate from your mission, say the center of the arty strike. Adjust the last number 0 to be the distance you want the sound to be audible. IE: 500 meters. You can find the sound files in the PBO's from your Arma3 Addons folder.
Blackheartsgaming is a multi-national gaming community that has been together since 2005. We have hosted servers for the last 11 years ranging from Battlefield 2, 3, 4, Hardline, Vanilla DayZ, DayZ Epoch, and now Arma3 Exile. Server running on a dedicated VPS - Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3 GHz with 8 Gigs of Ram and SSD for maximum FPS. Monitored 24/7 by custom written Anti-Hack software. New players start with 15K tabs Territory protection is free. Must pay once every 45 days in game or on our website to maintain your territory. Custom pricing. Roaming AI. Custom one of a kind mission system. Additional traders. Player Rewards Program for various categories once per week. Additional Arma3 vehicles and weapons. Server and player statistics on the website. Active Admins with years of experience running multi-player based servers.
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Getting reports by players that the server is reporting that players their kills are sometimes being reported as killed by NPC and they are not getting the proper perks. In researching the issue, I noticed changes to the onMPKilled event handler assigned to player objects. Most notably the change to ExileServer_util_getFragKiller. New code: if ((typeOf _killer) isEqualTo "Exile_Unit_Player") then { _player = _killer; } else { _sessionID = _killer getVariable ["ExileSessionID", -1]; if !(_sessionID isEqualTo -1) then { _player = _sessionID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject; }; }; Previous Code: if ((typeOf _killer) isEqualTo "Exile_Unit_Player") then { _player = _killer; } else { _uid = getPlayerUID _killer; { if ((getPlayerUID _x) isEqualTo _uid) exitWith { _player = _x; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; For some reason the call to this function isn't returning that the killing player is in fact a player and then throws exception 4 in ExileServer_util_getFragType: if (isNull _killingPlayer) then { throw 4; }; For logging and statistic purposes I export every player kill to a database table and it's being reported properly, but I am not using the above code to determine that. format["insertPlayerHistory:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11", getPlayerUID _victim, name _victim, _victimPosition select 0, _victimPosition select 1, _victimPosition select 2, _kName, _kUID, _kDistance, _killerPosition select 0, _killerPosition select 1, _killerPosition select 2] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; _kName, and _KUID are derived from variable that are set higher in the file. This was from an advanced logging mod that someone else wrote (my apologies for not crediting them here). _kName = name _killer; _kUID = getPlayerUID _killer; Anyone else received any complaints? I'll keep doing some more troubleshooting and testing and report back.
Fix M134 configs so we can use it on other vehicles
BlackheartsGaming replied to MGTDB's topic in Feature Wishes
Just FYI, you can simplify this by adding the code to: ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf. Both the non-persistent and the persistent vehicle scripts call this script to create the vehicle. This makes it so you only have to override one file. If you only want it for one or the other, add it to the appropriate script. -
The Exile_Item_Safekit is the item class, if you wanted to add tabs to an existing constructed safe it would be Exile_Container_Safe.
Player Deaths being Reported as Killed by NPC
BlackheartsGaming replied to BlackheartsGaming's question in Serverside
Revert the code in ExileServer_util_getFragKiller.sqf to: //if ((typeOf _killer) isEqualTo "Exile_Unit_Player") then //{ // _player = _killer; //} //else //{ // _sessionID = _killer getVariable ["ExileSessionID", -1]; // if !(_sessionID isEqualTo -1) then // { // _player = _sessionID call ExileServer_system_session_getPlayerObject; // }; //}; if ((typeOf _killer) isEqualTo "Exile_Unit_Player") then { _player = _killer; } else { _uid = getPlayerUID _killer; { if ((getPlayerUID _x) isEqualTo _uid) exitWith { _player = _x; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; See if this fixes the issue and report back so the Devs can have a deeper look. -
Player Deaths being Reported as Killed by NPC
BlackheartsGaming replied to BlackheartsGaming's question in Serverside
I've tested this more here is what I found. Using the default code in ExileServer_util_getFragKiller, the _player variable returned when the killing player is in an armed vehicle (tested with default armed Exile cars and the Huey), is _killingPlayer: <NULL-object>" which results in the code 4, NPC. Reverting the code (ExileServer_util_getFragKiller.sqf) back to 1.0.2, the killing player is reported properly. This only happens when a player kills another player from an armed vehicle. Player kills with weapons are not effected.