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  1. NutzRutz

    ExileZ 2

    Make sure to have rzinfections updated as well and added to your server, I had this problem to and I installed the latest of both mods on both client and server side, My ryanzombies (zombies & demons) downloaded to the D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\\501966277 folder but I also added it to the steamapps\common\arma3 directory and load the arma 3 launcher (not a3launcher) add the mods in the mods section and you will see both (add the folder if not it isn't there , there is an option for this top right) and then try again, remember you are needing rzinfections as well by the looks of it. I hope this has been of some help to ya bud. PM me if you need some more help. Just wish I could get the bugger zombies moving again on my server lol.
  2. NutzRutz

    ExileZ 2

    try renaming exilez2 to exilez and make a pbo of that. it should be a case of putting exilez in the exileserver/addons folder and then add @Ryanzombies to the root folder next to all the other @folders then add @Ryanzombies to the server startup bat file -mod=@Ryanzombies (if dedicated) and add the key from the key folder within the @Ryanzombies folder the the key folder in the main root of the server and add the calls to the mission.sqm for Ryanzombies then you should be good to go
  3. NutzRutz

    ExileZ 2

    what files are you saying are deleted what exactly is happening.?
  4. NutzRutz

    ExileZ 2

    yup just updated my server to the RC1.60 to address the memory cant be read access violation Error and I have installed advance banking 3.0 and I was then needing to update ryanzombies and exilez and now I have my cherno triggers back but when the zombies spawn in (correctly I might add) they do nothing but stand there they can not move but if I walk up to one they will hit me and hurt me. not sure what is going wrong here,
  5. NutzRutz

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    thankyou. and excellent script thanks for the update. working beautifully now.
  6. NutzRutz

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    so can I go and remove the old bank tables in the database and shared bank etc.
  7. NutzRutz

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    ok that worked but I have one last issue I can see the briefcase but cant interact with it? it wont let me pick it up EDIT:: sorted it ... seems to be all good now thanks wolfkill
  8. NutzRutz

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    I did but I will redo that step and try again ....
  9. NutzRutz

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    hey peeps could someone help me out with this error "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Forbidden message name! Payload: ["uKmncncz","depositRequest",["100"]]" I done the upgrade from 2.4 to 3 and I can access the atm but cant transfer money in or out. Also when I use infi version V0047 and put money in the bank then log out and in again it just says ANY in the bank and the database stays the same with the amount I just put in. I had this trouble before but that was to do with the zombies mod I have installed zombies and demons again already so changes I made should be reverted there. cheers in advance
  10. NutzRutz

    The memory could not be "read"

    Not at the mo but I have been in touch with BIS and one of the devs took all our RPT and said that the new patch 1.60 should address the issue so hope that means they have fixed the problem. I did everything to try to get this server stable, now I just shut it down till the new patch comes out and hopefully will be stable again. On a plus note though I put a clean server together with nothing on it but exile and the altis map and I had no problem but then the downer was as soon as one script went in or mod added the error came back and I now keep getting them even when reverted. EDIT:: Just to clarify there is a fix and its on its way in the form of the next update. 1.60 It is working great and I have been in a server all day yesterday with loads of mods running and scripts installed and it did not crash me out once so hold on peeps for the update.
  11. I will give it a go there now and let you know. but you can see I did do it correctly it isn't like !!!! rocket science to install this script lol. got advanced banking working great but this one hahahaha.
  12. did that chap I have 16gig physical ram and I made a 32gig page file on a separate drive with a 250mb PF on the c drive for system reports and it still crashed It is a cherno map and since last update has been having probs so I started this one and it is working great NO CRASHES. but still this message system isn't working lol. I will have to move it to the top for it to work. and yes I have made a script folder that I then made the announcepay.sqf in and it calls the file without a prob or I would get an error when starting the server, but just wont show this announce pay message lol.
  13. ok this is a brand new vanilla server I have here as the other one gave me memory errors (not sure what was causing it) and I have just added this script again and it still does not show up my initplayerlocal.sqf
  14. So it should still be placed at the bottom of the script then. So what do I do if it does not work for me placed there.::"?
  15. seems to load fine and traders are fine to. if I put it at the end of the file then it just does not show up at all .... but at the top it delays it 30 seconds and shows perfectly.