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Everything posted by thedude4555

  1. Hi there, I am relatively new to this, so bare with with me please. I recently setup an Exile server. I installed several addons, Infistar, CUP Vehicles, Weapons and Units, as well as DMS, Occupation, Zupa's Capture Points, Extended base mod, Advanced Towing and Kuplion's status bar. Ive been over this several times, diagnosing, tweaking, starting fresh from scratch. Nothing seems to have an effect. Ive even attempted wiping the database clean and starting fresh, with no improvement. Essentially what happens is, I install all addons, the server works perfectly for a few restarts and then it slowly goes to hell, usually after around the 6th restart. I may be misdiagnosing this but, It appears anything database related, mainly Purchasing from traders and crafting, sometimes entering and exiting vehicles. It starts as just a few seconds of time to purchase/spawn vehicles, equipment or craft, escalating to usually around 5ish minutes before anything purchased will spawn. This even effects spawning things with Infistar. It gradually gets worse by server restart. I feel ive exhausted my search efforts to find a similar problem with a fix, to the point of spending more time researching the issue than actually setting up the server. I may also not be asking the right questions research wise. If someone could provide me with a fix or at least point me in the right direction so I can fix it myself I would greatly appreciate it. I'm happy to provide any additional info. Thanks for your time guys and gals. Also, sorry for the long winded explanation.
  2. thedude4555

    Possible database issues, not entirely sure.

    Well that seems to have fixed the issue. It was Zupa's Capture points messing with things. I just removed it for now until I could find a more permanent solution. The odd thing is it comes as a pre packaged PBO. Literally all one needs to do, unless you want to configure it, is drag and drop it into the server addons folder. I'm not sure why anything would be missing from it. I'm gonna run the server for a couple days to make sure it doesn't degenerate like it has been. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again.
  3. thedude4555

    Possible database issues, not entirely sure.

    No worries about the extDB3/2 thing, I look at it as a learning experience. I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge I can and though it didn't solve the issue it did help me learn something. To be honest I'm not entirely sure where to change the "-nologs"? I've got my server through a hosting service, and normally for launch parameters I just set them in the server control panel, so i've never had a need to change them any where else. Assuming it is a launch parameter that is?
  4. thedude4555

    Possible database issues, not entirely sure.

    Okay, so I searched every file in my server folder and mission folder for "extDB3" and came up with nothing. After that I decided to go wild and search all of my addons/mods, which yielded nothing until I came to my infistar files. I believe the RPT info you were referencing was just infistar doing a check for extDB3, failing to find it, then calling extDB2. After all the searching this was the only line of code in all of my files that referenced extDB3 at all. It was in the infistar fn_preInit.sqf file, and unfortunately I don't believe its the source of all my misfortune. It appears to just be infistar doing infistar things. Unless you think otherwise? If so, how do you recommend I remedy? Any additional input you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank You.
  5. thedude4555

    Possible database issues, not entirely sure.

    Nothing that I can see, but I'm also new to looking at these. If you don't mind having a look.
  6. thedude4555

    Possible database issues, not entirely sure.

    Nothing that I can see, but I'm also new to looking at these. If you don't mind having a look.