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About emp64

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  1. Thanks for the help
  2. Because I am hosting the server for Linux and Mac players and we only have the version 1.58 of Arma Yeah, I tried some older versions, starting with 0.9.41 (Clementine) and thats the only version I could get to work. Thanks for the help Taylor, seems like this is the best I can get then.
  3. Hello, I would like to ask if somebody knows the newest version of Exile (server) I can use with Arma 1.58. I already tried some older versions and also the newest Exile 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 but from my research only the Exile 0.9.41 works for me. I might have made some mistakes while setting it up, so I would like to ask if someone has any experience with it. When I use the newest version the game client get stuck at loading map. Thanks