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Everything posted by NickMiner69

  1. NickMiner69

    need some help here plese

    could someone tell me whats gone wrong here so i can fix it please
  2. Hi all any one who wants some Help installing ExAd or parts of this script pm me i'm here for a sort time i can have it working for you were others have Faild....
  3. hi fella i have set this up all working great but no i'm not sure about Boats "Boat" if i was going to try it i would use "Ship" maybe or best thing PM Janski and ask him
  4. ExAd_SB_fnc_prepareSlider = { params["_ctrl","_range","_pos"]; _ctrl sliderSetRange _range; _ctrl sliderSetSpeed [500, 500]; _ctrl sliderSetPosition _pos; }; ExAd_SB_fnc_updateStatsBar = { _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["ExAd_STATSBAR",displayNull]; _statsBarCtrl = _display displayCtrl ExAd_SB_Dialog_CtrlBar_IDC; _statsBarCtrl ctrlSetPosition ExAd_SB_GUI_POS; _statsBarCtrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor ExAd_SB_GUI_BgColor; _statsBarCtrl ctrlSetTextColor ExAd_SB_GUI_TextColor; _statsBarCtrl ctrlCommit 0; }; ExAd_SB_fnc_createSpace = { params["_size"]; _response = ""; for "_i" from 0 to _size do { _response = format["%1 ",_response] }; _response }; ExAd_SB_fnc_save = { profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Update_Rate", ExAd_SB_Update_Rate]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Active", ExAd_SB_Active]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_GUI_POS", ExAd_SB_GUI_POS]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_GUI_TextColor", ExAd_SB_GUI_TextColor]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_GUI_BgColor", ExAd_SB_GUI_BgColor]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Text_Margin", ExAd_SB_Text_Margin]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Text_InnerMargin", ExAd_SB_Text_InnerMargin]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Text_Font", ExAd_SB_Text_Font]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Text_Align", ExAd_SB_Text_Align]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Text_Size", ExAd_SB_Text_Size]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_KD", ExAd_SB_Show_KD]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_HP", ExAd_SB_Show_HP]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Thirst", ExAd_SB_Show_Thirst]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Hunger", ExAd_SB_Show_Hunger]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Wallet", ExAd_SB_Show_Wallet]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Bank", ExAd_SB_Show_Bank]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Respect", ExAd_SB_Show_Respect]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_FPS", ExAd_SB_Show_FPS]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Time", ExAd_SB_Show_Time]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Temp", ExAd_SB_Show_Temp]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Grid", ExAd_SB_Show_Grid]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_Compass", ExAd_SB_Show_Compass]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_PlayerCount", ExAd_SB_Show_PlayerCount]; profileNamespace setVariable ["ExAd_SB_Show_ClanCount", ExAd_SB_Show_ClanCount]; }; ExAd_SB_fnc_stop = { //101 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN", 0]; 101 cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; [ExAd_SB_Thread] call ExileClient_system_thread_removeTask; }; ExAd_SB_fnc_powerToggle = { if(ExAd_SB_Active)then{ call ExAd_SB_fnc_stop }else{ call ExAd_SB_fnc_load }; ExAd_SB_Active = !ExAd_SB_Active; (_this select 0) ctrlSetText (if(!ExAd_SB_Active)then{"Start"}else{"Stop"}); call ExAd_SB_fnc_thread; };
  5. #include "ExAdClient\ExAd.cpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "ExAdClient\CfgFunctions.cpp" }; class RscTitles { #include "ExAdClient\RscTitles.cpp" }; class CfgHints { #include "ExAdClient\CfgHints.cpp" }; class CfgNetworkMessages { #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp" }; class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExAdServer_fnc_clientRequest { allowedTargets=2; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; };
  6. NickMiner69


    Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me with this head banging issue i have got a running working server Exile but i have installed the server side Aok and client Exile but it seam to have a green dot with ? i have downloaded from site and from work shop and still the same and copy to server side to make sure the both are the same but still not right, im using the exile.bikey from @ExileServer-1.0.0 for client side but still no luck, How can make it just a green dot. would you know what i could do to solve it.
  7. hi fella to answer your ? is as long as you have upgraded your base to Lev 10 it should work any were in base my Vg spawn fight on the edge of it and flag is no were near it so should be ok and i have left VG as it can apart from how many vhecales i store. if you need any help give us a shout.
  8. Hi i have fix it all now found out what was going wrong the install docs and config.cpp file was wrong but the Vidoe was write so i guess you might need to update them with out this bit in config.cpp class CfgInteractionMenus { class Car { targetType = 2; target = "Car"; class Actions { class PackDeployedVehicle: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Pack Vehicle"; condition = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_canPack"; action = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_pack"; }; }; }; class Bikes { targetType = 2; target = "Bicycle"; class Actions { class PackDeployedVehicle: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Pack Bike"; condition = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_canPack"; action = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_pack"; }; }; }; class Flag { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"; class Actions { class HackVG : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hack Virtual Garage"; condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canHackVG"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_startHack"; }; }; }; class Construction { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static"; class Actions { class Grind : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Grind Lock"; condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canGrindLock"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_grindLock"; }; class RestoreLock : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Restore Lock"; condition = "_object call ExAd_fnc_canRestoreLock"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_restoreLock"; }; }; }; class Safe { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Container_Safe"; class Actions { class HackSafe : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hack Safe"; condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canHackSafe"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_startHack"; }; }; }; class Laptop { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Laptop_Static"; class Actions { class StopHack: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Interupt Hack"; condition = "(ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExAd_HACKING_IN_PROGRESS', false])"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_stopHack"; }; }; }; }; but its a great Script so thank you and keep up the good work
  9. Hi Janski, could you help me please all the apps work great but i can seam to lock any thing any more the lock as gone from scroll as well as upgrade and remove on props ,ext doors , gates. could you help me please .
  10. Hi fella i have installed ur ExAd and apps all working but i have notic that my scrolling for door locks and vhecales are missing could you help me please i'm sure you can see what i have done wrong . Thank you Janski
  11. NickMiner69

    Spawn Zone Vehicles

    hi fella you could try this on server side and tweek it a bit
  12. NickMiner69

    Exile update

    ok thank you i will try to do this i'm doing a fresh install
  13. NickMiner69

    Exile update

    Hi dose any one have a working updated sql for @ExileServer-1.0.0 running Tanoa every time i try to update the it as errors. exile.sql works upgrade-0.9.40-to-0.9.41.sql works upgrade-0.9.41-to-0.9.60.sql dont work as error upgrade-0.9.60-to-0.9.80.sql same again errors i jist need a working on please
  14. NickMiner69


    hi as any one got a database i can use for 5 mins just to see if my Navicat as broken u can delete it after or change password im locking the sever so no one can join just need to test if it database problem or server side setup thats not letting me in. Thank you Nick
  15. NickMiner69

    Waiting For Server To Load...

    hi fella i have all this in description.ext /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exile Settings - Do not change these! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// forceRotorLibSimulation = 2; skipLobby = 1; joinUnassigned = 1; respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 120; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnButton = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"}; corpseManagerMode = 0; corpseLimit = 20; corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600; wreckManagerMode = 0; wreckLimit = 2; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360; scriptedPlayer = 1; disabledAI = 1; enableItemsDropping = 0; briefing = 0; debriefing = 0; allowFunctionsLog = 1; enableDebugConsole = 0; allowFunctionsRecompile = 0; showSquadRadar = 0; showUAVFeed = 0; reviveDelay = 6; reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;
  16. NickMiner69

    Waiting For Server To Load...

    Hi i wondering if someone could look at my Rpt for us please. i have done a brand new install like i have befor for but this time after the apex update this dont seam to work when i try to join the sever its saying Waiting for Server To load.... i have uplaoded my RPT as its to big on pastebin heres the link fella thats if you can help me, Thank You Nick