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About OmigaaaD

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  1. OmigaaaD

    Double Pounders Namalsk RHS

    Welcome to THGz's Double Pounder Exile Namalsk server! We are a small community that has been running a Arma2 Overpoch server for quite a while and we have quite alot of experience between us and we're now launching our Exile server that we'll be customizing along the road and try to bring out the best of Exile but with our own twist, so keep in mind that this server is still a work in progress and we are still tweaking stuff like the loot table and stores, etc a little bit Our servers are hosted in Germany on our own dedicated machine with a 300-350Mb/s connection, our staff is very active and fair. We will soon set up a website and forums where we can provide more information for people if they want to know more. Server Features Secure Safezones Hide Body DMS Lightly customized version of ETG Helicrash and Drop script Like our server and got any suggestions? don't hesitate to tell us!
  2. Fixed it! I feel so stupid right now, was running the server on a bad port.. So I just set up a server on our dedicated machine, We're running MariaDB and a Arma2 Overpoch server on it with no problems but Exile doesn't want to work. It connects properly to the DB as far as I can see, was running the server with RHS first but removed that, did not help. The server is running according to the logs if I understand them correctly. Server RPT Client RPT Been stuck here for a while now.. Any help would be greatly appreciated edit: Also the server is running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Machine