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About Twiztedintentions

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  1. Twiztedintentions

    UID Based Spawn Points ?

    Kinda shocked this hasn't been made already since a good lead has been given. That's half the job done there. I'm not even a coder nor a script writer but know where to find the rest of that puzzle
  2. Twiztedintentions

    Server Won't Start Up

    So, my server decided it doesn't want to start up. I was editing my traders some, backed-up before even touching them, and kept crashing when I was done. So I used my backed-up mission pbo and it's still crashing, while it's "Reading Mission File" Server RPT: Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDIT: Noticed: 23:25:51 Warning: 1003 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "extDB2", function: "9:ADD_DATABASE:exile" 23:25:51 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 23:25:51 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 23:25:51 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Could not add database: [0,"Database Exception Error"]" 23:25:51 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :(" Realized that was the problem, server is up and running now. Maybe should've read the rpt before posting
  3. Twiztedintentions

    Trader Editing

    Worked like a charm. Thanks!
  4. Twiztedintentions

    Trader Editing

    So, I'm trying to customize some of my traders. I've managed to add weapon mods and understand how to add weapons, sight, etc. to the traders. They're buyable and sellable. But how would I go about making some weapons sellable but not buyable? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm not really familiar with all of this release, but I can tell you the Virtual Garage is not the same as Shix's. I would just trust his word on what is needed, it is more than likely for a reason.
  6. Twiztedintentions

    RHS Classnames

    These are up to date with 0.4.1?
  7. Twiztedintentions

    CUP Vehicles 1.0 Classnames

    Fuck, my bad lol. Posted that shortly after waking up and didn't see that part before I posted it.
  8. Twiztedintentions

    CUP Vehicles 1.0 Classnames

    Compete lists with class names
  9. Twiztedintentions

    Custom status bar

    That's the closest to what I could find that matched that, and @ka0s typed it all up and explained how to use it.
  10. Twiztedintentions

    Locker (Private Stash)

  11. Twiztedintentions

    Locker (Private Stash)

    Hardly a cry or a complaint bud. Just the fact that there is something to lose/gain is what will bring the excitement back into the game. As it stands now, once you've accomplished gaining the high end guns/vehicles and have a suitable base built then what? PVP? At what cost? Once sitting comfortable at say 150k roaming around in a Hunter with a Mar 10 or a Cyrus and you wipe a whole squad out, why loot them? Your gun is better, your vehicle is better, you most likely have no interest in their gear or vehicle. So stealing their "hard work" isn't the case.
  12. Twiztedintentions

    Locker (Private Stash)

    Would be the ideal limit but we all know that it only takes so many complaints from players to push an admin to change the limit. Unfortunately. After so many cries and complaints towards the Devs for implementing the physical PT, they probably got tired of trying to please everyone who is too lazy to learn how to do this themselves. Good job Dev team though on making great changes to the mod and attempting to please everyone. Must be hard to do so. Thanks for the mod and all your time devoted to make Exile what it is and what it will be.
  13. Twiztedintentions

    Concrete Constructions - Part 3

    Makes me anxious to see what the base raiding devblog will contain.
  14. Twiztedintentions

    Extended Base Mod

    Not a problem. I personally have no idea if it is possible to make it lockable, yet alone how if it is. Was just a request if it is. None the less, still great
  15. Twiztedintentions

    Extended Base Mod

    You might be right since they are originally from Arma2. Was just a request to see if possible, Virtual Garage is nice for hiding helicopters from the naked eye. But still limits where you can actually use as a helipad unless you've built one with wood or just so happen to have built in some location that you can utilize the surrounding terrain. Still an amazing mod he's built so far and keeps updating.