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Everything posted by gkndy07

  1. ***Accidently posted this in General Discussion, then realized it belongs here: Haven't seen this brought up in a while, but I know a lot of people have been wanting it so here it goes again. With the latest update, base raiding is finally a profitable activity, mostly because of the ability to steal flags. Now that the flag plays a pivotal role in your base, it would be nice to have the ability to move it around after base construction. It is currently impossible to hide your flag in high areas of your base, such as towers and top levels. This makes base raiding too predictable because you can be certain that a team's flag is sitting on the ground level or very close to it. One of the problems discussed with moving the flag pole is that it also moves your building radius, thus opening ways to exploit it. I believe the solution for this is to keep the building radius bound to where you first placed the flag and it can never be adjusted, but the physical flag pole can be moved around within the build radius without affecting construction. Also, another nice check would be: When moving your flag from the original position, the flag must be placed onto an exile floor part or the placement will fail. This would prevent people from levitating flags off the ground.
  2. Haven't seen this brought up in a while, but I know a lot of people have been wanting it so here it goes again. With the latest update, base raiding is finally a profitable activity, mostly because of the ability to steal flags. Now that the flag plays a pivotal role in your base, it would be nice to have the ability to move it around after base construction. It is currently impossible to hide your flag in high areas of your base, such as towers and top levels. This makes base raiding too predictable because you can be certain that a team's flag is sitting on the ground level or very close to it. One of the problems discussed with moving the flag pole is that it also moves your building radius, thus opening ways to exploit it. I believe the solution for this is to keep the building radius bound to where you first placed the flag and it can never be adjusted, but the physical flag pole can be moved around within the build radius without affecting construction. Also, another nice check would be: When moving your flag from the original position, the flag must be placed onto an exile floor part or the placement will fail. This would prevent people from levitating flags off the ground.
  3. How do you adjust how long players need to pay for territory protection before their base disappears? I have been looking through all the config files and searched under cfgterritories, but I haven't been able to find it. Sorry if this has already been asked, but I searched all over the forums and Google and haven't been able to find an answer. Thanks!
  4. Thank you SO much. idk how I kept missing that. lol
  5. gkndy07

    CUP Vehicle Weapon Classnames???

    Does anybody know the classnames or where to find a list for the weapons on CUP vehicles. I know how to disable weapons for vanilla Arma 3 vehicles, but I can't find the weapon classnames for things like the hydra rockets on the UH-1Y Venom Gunship. Thanks!
  6. Hi all, Is there a way to make a secondary server for testing changes before they go live on the primary server. I would like it to read off of the primary server's database, but not write to it, so that gameplay would not be affected by what is tested. I just want to avoid bringing the server down and breaking it by a bad change. I have searched extensively on the forums and Google with no luck, so any input would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
  7. gkndy07

    Test Server that doesn't affect database?

    Ok I installed Heidi SQL and have it linked to my database. Where do I go from here to make the second server?
  8. gkndy07

    Test Server that doesn't affect database?

    lol I've just been using the MySQL Editor. haha I guess I need to get one of those. Which do you recommend? Sorry for being so new to this.
  9. gkndy07

    Test Server that doesn't affect database?

    Thanks for the help! But could you give me a quick rundown how to do that? I'm new this and I'm trying not to screw up my existing database in the process. lol sorry.
  10. gkndy07

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    This is working great on the vanilla Arma 3 vehicles, but how would I go about removing the Hydra rockets from the CUP UH-1Y Venom Gunship? (CUP_B_UH1Y_GUNSHIP_USMC) Thanks!