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Everything posted by GroundLoop

  1. GroundLoop

    [SOLVED] Activate account

    Not sure why you closed the previous thread. I've sent you another private message this morning with my purchase email and here's my transaction id: 4U9512864V990320V dated 03/29/2016
  2. Hi! Tried creating an account using my original email address but was unable to find the unlock message. I couldn't find anything that would allow me to request an auto resend of the message and there was no way for me to submit a help ticket on your site since I haven't got an active account lol. I've left you a pvt message quite a while back, but maybe you just missed it. It has my purchase email included and I was hoping you might be able to help me with this in any way you can? Thanks!
  3. GroundLoop

    [CLOSED] infiSTAR account creation failed

    I'd sent you my original purchase email when I sent you a private message around the beginning of June
  4. GroundLoop

    [CLOSED] infiSTAR account creation failed

    Any assistance would be welcome Chris! Unfortunately I'll be back on the road tomorrow and it'll be another 3-4 weeks before I'll be home again.
  5. GroundLoop

    [CLOSED] infiSTAR account creation failed

    I did create an account back in the beginning of June and I just tried again using the link you provided but it now tells me that there's already an existing account registered to this email but I can't activate my account because I can't find the email I was sent to unlock it lol
  6. GroundLoop

    Ai vehicle patrols not making engine noise

    But it makes me wonder why nobody else on the occupation thread has noticed this. Maybe it's not happening to regular players?
  7. GroundLoop

    Ai vehicle patrols not making engine noise

    Same here... Completely removed A3XAI to make sure it is not causing this. Good catch.
  8. GroundLoop

    Ai vehicle patrols not making engine noise

    @cyncrwler I run DMS, Occupation, VEMFr, A3XAI and SA Advanced Towing. What add-ons/scripts are you running on yours? Just trying to figure out what might be different.
  9. GroundLoop

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I was getting the same pop-up that Heavy and Snakeyes1 were getting so I updated to the hotfix. That sorted that out, but now the Baseraid notification won't go away. Here's how this went down... I got capped before I managed to dispatch any of the raiders. Got back to my base and sorted out the 6 hoodlums but the notification just kept flashing. Turned on infiSTAR's mapicons just to make sure but there was no other AI within 1km. Restarted the server and waited for the next raid. Got rid of the 6 AI this time around and the message cleared. So it had something to do with me dying before the raid was cleared. Is that happening to anyone else?
  10. GroundLoop

    AV Camera feed for the UAV (Darter)

    You are welcome.. glad I could help
  11. GroundLoop

    AV Camera feed for the UAV (Darter)

    Got the AV feed working... Only stumbled on this because of the 8G bullet cam not working. You need to enable PIP under video settings and I also have this in the description.ext showUAVFeed = 1;
  12. GroundLoop

    8G Bullet Cam Problem

    Yup, that got it working for me too Thanks!
  13. GroundLoop

    Ai vehicle patrols not making engine noise

    I'm having the same problem with A3XAI... The road patrols sneak up on you now. No more engine noise. Frankly, I'm surprised A3XAI has worked for as long as it has without serious issues since it's code hasn't been worked on for a very long time.
  14. GroundLoop

    8G Bullet Cam Problem

    Doesn't work for me either. Have the cam window but says no signal.
  15. GroundLoop

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR update

    Just tried to update infiSTAR and got this: You are not allowed to download any files here (anymore?)! #1 That probably happened because: 1. either your files were leaked/posted in public 2. you issued a charge-back 3. there were too many server online using your licence but had different ips/names Any help is much appreciated.
  16. GroundLoop

    uav control

    Take a look here:
  17. GroundLoop

    Need some friends

    What are you interested in? PVP, PVE, hardcore etc..?
  18. GroundLoop

    Time on Server Custom Loadout

    It sure is... I would just need a coding guru to make the changes. Anybody want to give it a go?
  19. Does anyone know of a script that assigns a Custom Load-out based on Total Time spent on server?
  20. GroundLoop

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @IT07 I apologize for showing the old style of making changes to VEMFr. I personally use the config_override.cpp but I thought in this situation the old way was easier to explain... @NeverAgain You should go to exile_vemf_reloaded_config\config_override.cpp, open it and read it. It will make things easier in the future when you update VEMFr.
  21. GroundLoop

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Currently yours are set to east. Replace "O_G_Sharpshooter_F" with "B_G_Soldier_AR_F" and then they will be west
  22. GroundLoop

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I'm using the most current version and if you tried looking where I told you to look, you would see this: // AI Unit settings unitClass = "B_G_Soldier_AR_F"; // Default: "O_G_Sharpshooter_F" | optional: "B_G_Soldier_AR_F" // NOTE: VEMFr will automatically adjust the AI's side that belongs to the unit of given unitClass But maybe my directions are not clear
  23. GroundLoop

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Open exile_vemf_reloaded\config.cpp. check and read line 51 - 53. Default they are set to east, but if you swop the uniform to the other option listed they will be west
  24. GroundLoop

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Thanks for the link. I tried giving it an ID, but that didn't work out as intended and that's when I came and asked here for a solution. Fortunately IT07 made the change which turned out way better than what I could have done. Thanks IT07
  25. GroundLoop

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    @IT07 This could well be a silly question... Is it possible to have the "Server Info Menu" as the last item in the scroll menu? I'd be grateful if you could show me what to edit to achieve this. For me, it get's in the way somewhat. Thanks!