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duda last won the day on November 4 2017

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  1. duda

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    Lots of updates to ATS in the past two weeks! Try out the latest if you haven't already. You can find it on steam. Highlights: - Includes support for large gauge Arma 2 tracks - Added destruction effects for all trains (see below - we've added a new TNT car!) - Players will be killed if on board a train car that explodes
  2. duda

    Invalid session ID found

    Thanks - will give that a try!
  3. duda

    Invalid session ID found

    Getting this error message when attempting to remote exec code when the player first joins the server:. "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid session ID found! Payload: ["""",""AdvancedTrainSimulatorRemoteExecServer"",[[4],""ATRAIN_fnc_requestATSInstall"",false]]" Seems to be a timing issue since remote exec works after some time - is there something I should wait for before having the client make the request to the server?
  4. duda

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    New version published on steam. Adds sounds and first person views!
  5. duda

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    It has over 80 functions (with an average of ~30 lines each). There's a reason for putting all of the functions in one file - it's structured that way to allow the addon to be installed server-side only (even though the code runs on the client side)
  6. Advanced Train Simulator (ATS) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=891938535 Got Questions? Join ATS Discord: https://discord.gg/RHkGYCt Features: - Drive and ride on trains in Arma 3! - Supports all existing trains and tracks on Tanoa. - Create custom tracks by placing APEX track objects in the editor (see directions below). - Multiplayer support. Mod only required to be installed on server. - Supports APEX and CUPS train models. - Supports APEX tracks (CUPS tracks still in the works!). Directions: While outside of a train, there are a few actions you can perform. Look directly at the train to get these possible actions: - Get in Train as Driver: When looking at a train engine, you'll get this option to become the driver of the train. See train driver controls below. - Disconnect Car: When looking at a car connected to a train, you'll get this option. This will disconnect the car from the train. The train cannot be moving. - Ride Train: When looking at a train car (attached to a train someone else is driving) you'll get this option to ride the train. See train passenger controls below. Train Driver Controls: - Move Forward (defaults to W key): Speed up the train - Move Backward (defaults to S key): Slow down the train - Turn Left (defaults to A key): Controls track switching. Hold "Move Left" as you pass an intersection to direct the train down the left-most path. - Turn Right (defaults to D key): Controls track switching. Hold "Move Right" as you pass an intersection to direct the train down the right-most path. - Enabled / Disable Cruise Control (C key): When enabled, the train will maintain its current speed automatically (even if you jump out of the train - runaway train!) - Break (B key): A faster way to slow down your train besides holding down the Move Backwards key - Exit Train (delete key): Exit the current train. Note: If you don't hold left or right while passing an intersection, the train will choose the path that requires the least amount of turning. Train Passenger Controls: - Exit Train (delete key): Exit the current train
  7. Thanks - I've updated it to use addmissioneventhandler. Hopefully that does the trick!
  8. Anyone know if there are restrictions on using BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler in exile? Trying to get my trains addon working and I think it has to do with the use of BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler.
  9. duda


    Here's an easier way to make the rope required. Add this code to your init.sqf file. Don't need to unpack/modify the addon. [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check"}; AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check = { params ["_player","_vehicle"]; if!([_vehicle] call AR_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 5 ) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) > 150 ) exitWith {false}; if(driver _vehicle == _player && isEngineOn _vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(speed _vehicle > 100) exitWith {false}; if!("Exile_Item_Rope" in magazines _player) exitWith {false}; true; }; };
  10. duda


    Glad you got it to work with the servermod command! FYI - there's a new mod in the works: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193784-spie-addon
  11. duda


    It should work in exile. How did you attempt to install the addon on your server? For all of my addons it's best to add the addon folders to your root arma 3 directory and then enable them using the -serverMod command line arg. Then, if you're using rappelling / urban rappelling, you'll want to copy the keys from the addon's keys folder into your server's keys folder so clients can optionally have the addons installed locally (to let them use the custom animations and sounds)
  12. duda


    It should already work in exile In fact, all of my addons (advanced towing, advanced rappelling, advanced urban rappelling, advanced sling loading) should work in exile. Only thing you'll need to configure might be some battleye and infistar settings. However, currently, none of my addons require the rope inventory item though. Is that what you're referring to?
  13. duda


    I'm working on it. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192126-advanced-rappelling/
  14. duda

    [CLOSED] Advanced Towing... Need help

    Here'a a pre-release version (1.4) you can try. It adds some additional hints/alerts that might help tell you why it's not working. You'll find the PBO in the addons folder. https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedTowing/archive/1.4.zip If anyone tries this out, let me know. Could use some help testing.