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Everything posted by PondScum101

  1. PondScum101

    Player Stat Reset

    On server restart or player disconnect/reconnect, players stats are reset to 100 Hunger and Thirst. And if they log out drunk, they come back sober. I am testing health as well right now. But has anyone else experience this? And is there a way to fix this?
  2. Wanted to start this discussion because I haven't found any solutions atm. I know some servers out there are running custom scripts that put a timer on the Waste Dump. But I have not seen this available. Short of using the Ban button, I can't find a defense for players coming onto my server trying to exploit this. As always any help here is greatly appreciated. Pond
  3. PondScum101

    SetVariable Restriction #0

    setvariable.log 16.04.2016 19:58:18: ]BT[PondScum101 ( 8a4f72e13d8d9a0c1d1dc1e53036f2f5 - #0 "isrunning" = true 2:4202 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer serVariable.txt 1 //new 2 !=7 "" !="exilexm8isonline" !="bis_fnc_selectrespawntemplate_respawned" !="mymoneyval" !="r3f_log_remorque" !="r3f_log_est_transporte_par" !"r3f_log_objets_charges" 3 !=7 "ExileScore" !="r3f_log_remorque" !="r3f_log_est_transporte_par" 4 !=7 "ExileMoney" Ive tried !"isrunning" and !="isrunning" = true 2:4202 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer at the end of line 2 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  4. PondScum101

    Random Heli Crashes

    This is totally awesome. However, they dont seem too random. I'll end up with groups of wrecks close to eachother, within 100-500 m. Seems that there could be a _minDistancetoWreck or something of that nature to get them to spread out a bit. Other than that, using a custom wreck type and loot is spawning in great. Thank you for this @Darth_Rogue
  5. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Only thing in question in my report 8:37:54 Attempt to override final function - avs_fnc_getconfigloadout
  6. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    in AVS_fnc_getConfigLoadout.sqf _driverWeapons = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleType >> "weapons") call BIS_fnc_GetCfgData; _driverMagazines = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleType >> "magazines") call BIS_fnc_GetCfgData; in defineLoadout.sqf for rhsusaf_c_m1a1(abrams) It looks like RHS is defining the path as configFile >> "cfgMagazines". anyone have a work around for this? I am not a coder, so I could be way off on this.
  7. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Ok, so......i have put http://pastebin.com/uAqGzetz, rhs magazines for the land vehicles im using on my server. Tried the heli pad as @TroyT suggested. Same issue. RHS Tanks do not seem to rearm, Arma tanks will however. I feel like somehow in the AVS_fnc files, its not seeing the RHS vehicles magazines. I have switched to different seats but that doesnt make a difference. Followed install directions exactly..no errors in my extDB log, or server log. Anyone running RHS willing to help me out here would be awesome. I am also running infiSTAR, but i dont see that being the issues since some vehicles will rearm. And I am not using the vehicle spawn part of this script, just fuel and rearm. Thanks again.
  8. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    @TroyT weapons vehicle player; and magazinesAllTurrets vehicle player; Fuel stations worked just fine for me. And work well for rearming vanilla vehicles...and i can rearm some rhs vehicles...but just like m2's and such, tanks stand no chance and thats a problem for my server. Going to up the AVS_RearmDistance and see if that helps.
  9. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Using AVS_RearmObjects = "Land_fs_feed_F" to rearm at fuel stations. Vanilla arma/exile vehicles rearm. RHS do not. I am using a serverside script to replace non-working mini guns.
  10. PondScum101

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Having trouble getting ANY rhs vehicles to rearm...used debug to get ammo types for all rhs vehicles i use on my server. added them to AVS_RearmCosts. Anyone else having this problem? Or know of a solution? What am i missing here? @TroyT because u seem to have this working.
  11. PondScum101

    Bornholm map

    lol, thats way too easy
  12. PondScum101

    Bornholm map

    Does anyone know the exact XYZ center of the Bornholm map?
  13. PondScum101

    Bornholm map

    nm, figured it out delete please
  14. PondScum101

    Adding users to access database

    Ya, thank you. Sorry for the late reply, been out of town....I did however realize i was WAY overthinking this Thanks
  15. PondScum101

    Adding users to access database

    Trying to add another admin so that they can access DB with a seperate username/password. I believe this is done in the extdb-conf.ini. but not exactly sure what needs to happen here. Anyone else solve this? [exile] Type = MySQL Name = exile Username = bumblebee Password = abc123 IP = Port = 3306 minSessions = 2 idleTime = 60 ; Really should only use this if MySQL server is external. Also only for MySQL compress = false ; Recommend you turn this on http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/mysql-command-options.html#option_mysql_secure-auth Secure Auth = true Can i simply copy paste this section with new username and password?
  16. PondScum101

    Errors in my startup rpt

    Thank you very much, ill give that a shot @Ch33s3
  17. PondScum101

    Errors in my startup rpt

    I get lots of errors in my rpt on startup. Plus players get the 3 fps glitch from time to time. And now that my server pop is growing its seemingly becoming more and more frequent. If anyone wouldnt mind taking a look and giving me some advise on how, if possible, to get rid of some of the errors that would be amazing! :). Or any advice to reduce the 3 fps bug. Thank you in advance. http://pastebin.com/aWqpe1k1
  18. Quick question, sorry if this has been answered already, I didnt see it in the topic already. For the VG, is it possible to have vehicles store, wipe inventory, but not reset ammo? Running a militarized server, so players can just store their vehicles to rearm them. But, I dont not want them to be able use the VG as a 'safer' safe.
  19. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Anyone else have an issue with the dms mission vehicles not cleaning up, my data base is starting to crowd up with DMS_PersistentVehicle
  20. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    So if im correct, it looks like I could add _vehicle to _missionObjs and //create possible vehicle list _PossibleVehicleClass = [ "vehicle1","vehicle2","vehicle3" ]; //choose the vehicle _VehicleClass = selectRandom _PossibleVehicleClass; // Dont give pin coded vehicles on easy if (_difficulty isEqualTo "easy") then { _vehicle = [_VehicleClass,[(XXXXXXXXXXX,YYYYYYYYYYY, 0]] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle; _msgWIN = ['#0080ff',"Convicts killed everyone and made off with the heli."]; } else { _pinCode = (1000 +(round (random 8999))); _vehicle = [_VehicleClass,[(_pos select 0) -30, (_pos select 1) -30, 0],_pinCode] call DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle; _msgWIN = ['#0080ff',format ["Convicts killed everyone and made off with the heli, entry code %1...",_pinCode]]; }; thanks again for your help. I will test this and post if it works correctly
  21. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle Created by eraser1 Usage: [ _vehicleClass, // STRING: Vehicle classname to spawn. _pos, // ARRAY (positionATL or position2d): Where the vehicle will be spawned (strict) _pinCode // STRING or NUMBER: String has to be 4 digits. Number has to be between 0-9999, and will be automatically formatted. _spawnATL // (OPTIONAL) BOOLEAN: Whether or not to spawn the vehicle ATL (Above Terrain Level) or ASL (Above Sea Level). Default: true (ATL) ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle; Returns the created vehicle object. This is what i was looking for
  22. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    sorry im thinking out loud here, but im working through it, thats all wrong because that is for an ai vehicle
  23. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    But change _pos getPos [100,random 360], to _pos getPos [xyz],
  24. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Im thinking its something like this? // Spawn the vehicle AFTER the base so that it spawns the vehicle in a (relatively) clear position. _veh = [ [ _pos getPos [100,random 360], _pos ], _group, "assault", _difficulty, _side ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIVehicle;
  25. PondScum101

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I found the solution, and got my vehicle to spawn with the mission. Do you know @eraser1 if it is possible to set a static position for the vehicle to spawn? something like _vehicleposition xyz?