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About Tuff_FishUK

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  1. Tuff_FishUK

    Base Raiding Feedback

    I could list everything that makes it a hardcore server, but that would be going off topic wouldn't it...
  2. Tuff_FishUK

    Base Raiding Feedback

    I've been able to play this mod for a couple of weeks now after being contacted by a rather cool chap who is running a Hardcore server. It took forever to find anything running in first person perspective, and now seeing all the whining about people losing their stuff is really making me think that Exile is where all the giant vaginas come to play. Seriously, it's so damn easy to get geared up on this mod. Within 15 minutes you can be running around in a ghillie with an LMG with 800 god damn rounds, night vision, the works, and that's on a hardcore server, God only knows what you can end up with right away on the servers that offer perks, why is it a problem that your stuff can be taken? Adapt, be smart, and allow interesting mechanics to be added. The bases look ugly as fuck anyway, at least let us blow them up along with what's in it. Remember the mod for Arma 2 where you only had a tent to store stuff in? That was much better wasn't it? This is Arma, not Rust or Minecraft. Shit should be blowing up all the time, and if it's making you leave a server then you're a bitch. Simple. I took out a guy's base last night in retalliation to mine being hit, now the landbridge in Namalsk is full of floating safes, looks great that does... not.
  3. Tuff_FishUK

    [ZeroDead] Hardcore Kerama

    Well my time with Exile was almost brief, until I was told about this first-person hardcore server by the Zerodead guys. Now Ive put in 80 hours and plan on much more of the same. Server performance is great, mechanics are great, and everyone is really friendly. Come give this a go.
  4. Tuff_FishUK

    No choice of perspective in server search.

    Well I can't seem to find that tag being used even once. I did see that you linked http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/servers/ in the other thread though. This is what I was referring too, I can sort by comments, most viewed, port or whatever but not perspective. I've tried straight searching for first, 1pp, merc etc but to no avail. Have I been completely naive and this mod is not really available in a locked first person perspective?
  5. Hey everyone. I've only just downloaded Exile after getting the Arma 3 itch back. I've always been on the Merc servers for Breaking Point as 3pp just doesn't do it for me. So, does anyone know how I can search for 1st person/Merc/Hardcore servers? There doesn't seem to be a tag on the search page for some reason that's unknown to me. Many thanks.
  6. Tuff_FishUK

    Any populated first person server ?

    Just giving this thread a bump as it is what I'm currently looking for after being about to embark in my first play of Exile (Breaking Point player of old). Any decent 1pp servers still knocking around?