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About marcheur

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  1. Hey guys, I sent a message to the author of the mod, but I'd like your opinion also on a thing we would love to put on our server.... I try to do something around weed/mushroom script, but i'm affraid i'm not good enough or I dont know enough about scripting (I'm no dev...) and exile functions to understand where to start to do what we seek. When the event "weed" starts, you can with a knife in your inventory interract with the weed and get weed item in your inventory and the plant spawned disapear. In my mind, what I see is that there is an item with an id on the map, and if you have the right tool you can interact with it to get something in your inventory. In fact, I would like that, for exemple, on a pile of planks (we gathered all classnames of the map that we could need), at any time and not with some event starting, if you have a hand saw on you, you can get exile planks in return. Of course if the pile of planks disapear it would make sense, but I dont really care if the element im interracting with can't vanish. I just seek to make interraction on some things on the map to get some item from it. Like leaves from mature sugarcane (on tanoa) for exemple, planks from a pile of planks, etc etc if you see the idea. Anyone have any idea ?
  2. its ok I answered you mate in private also
  3. yep. I'm stuck on Australia, but on tanoa I got it working. pm me
  4. marcheur

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    because it's not supposed to be like that and because I have a survival exile server where there is zero economy, and where people already use that system to get their cars from AI. no point to make twice the same thing isnt it ? Anyhow, why choose a code if the vehicles arent supposed to be persistant ?
  5. marcheur

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Thanks for that idea, I thought about it already, but thats just weird. It correctly sets up a 4 digit code. In my mind, they should be persistant as result anyway... But I dont want players to use code locks to get vehicles from roaming AI so, better have that mod working...
  6. marcheur

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Hey guys, I just finished to add many recipes to CDAH for the mods we use, but cars are considered by server as beeing non persistant. ANyone got an idea about to make sure the crafted vehicles are persistant ? Thanks a lot !
  7. Infistar has an antidupe system, check its settings
  8. I got it working on tanoa its all good ty I guess you dont use infistar ?
  9. damn me, I must be f*cking blind. lol. Made it on Tanoa server too. Ill be glad to help if anyone needs it too.
  10. Nothing in RPT I guess ZZK-Gaming ?
  11. Does anyone have the trick to make this work on Tanoa ? Please !!!!!!
  12. I did try, still not working... Got the option and all, but nothing happens. (on Tanoa. Cause on Altis it works perfectly)
  13. And they will break something else in return. As always Will try that pbo directly in @exile_server and remove the starting parameter see if this solves using defib on tanoa (while I never had any problem on altis servers) Edit : I still dont have the Enigma welcome message, and have no players to test. I don't know if it's now working but I doubt it does. Anyone using enigma revive on tanoa ? What's the trick to make it work on tanoa ???
  14. marcheur

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Thanks Kuplion Ill take a look at it, though I managed to make it work with any unlocked vehicles, wich fits with our needs I'm after something else now. Off topic : how to make enigma revive work on Tanoa. Never been able to, though it's off topic, ill search more...
  15. marcheur

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Hey guys, I really need that script working at all times on one of my servers because it's exile without any trader. So you can't buy vehicles. The only way is to catch AI vehicles with that script. The problem I have is that the script works perfectly with non persistant vehicles I spawn (with infistar), with DMS non persistant vehicles, but not with A3XAI vehicles at all. They consider vehicle is allready claimed while it's not. Anyone got any idea to help me with that.