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  1. Hotfix

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    Yo, I'm getting a BE restriction, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I made this to: Reloaded scripts, restarted server. Can't seem to figure out whats wrong. Placed in Scripts.txt on line 2. All other exceptions worked perfectly fine, but this one. Solved it by not backslashing quotations. Since I solved it together with Jamie C, he also updated his battleye filter tool.
  2. I haven't been able to actually play the last couple of weeks because of school and modding the server I rent by QGS. I'll upload my best memory from beeing a server admin, and that is the making of a new zone on the map. This is a small military area is marked on the map, where people can refill ammo on all vehicles. (And the ammo is stored in the database) Was a fun project, and are looking forward to the next one. Also, look at that amazing FPS we get on the GQS servers. (All on ultra, terrain grid on 6.5. Got a 980ti GPU)
  3. Hotfix

    Remove hotwire function on specified vehicle

    I'll do a shameless bump, since I've still not managed to do this. Any suggestions?
  4. Hello, I'm currently creating a mod for my server. I have managed to make everything work as intended, except for the fact that a vehicle I have placed with the editor can be hotwired. Any ideas on how I can make hotwire work on all vehicles, except O_Truck_03_ammo_F? Was thinking about if I could add the into the config.cpp in some way? From this: To something like this: My Vehicle class: Any ideas?
  5. Hotfix

    Adding vehicles that players cannot enter to the map

    Thank you. EDIT(Reformed the whole post): Got it to work by only placing the vehicle in the mission.sqm file, and spawning the rest with the .pbo you linked. It WORKS. Now I just have to figure out how I can remove the hotwire option. Thank you again for every answer all of you have provided!
  6. Hotfix

    Adding vehicles that players cannot enter to the map

    Thank you. I've tried understanding this properly, but where do I then define the lockstate of every vehicle? I exported the file with the plugin "M3Editor - 3DEN edition". Is this correct? Copied all the SQF files to the clipboard and did what that thread told me to, but now the vehicle is not locked any more. Also, any suggestions on how I should make a locked vehicle not beeing able to be hotwired?
  7. Hotfix

    Adding vehicles that players cannot enter to the map

    I made sure locking is on in the 3den editor. The outcome when I save is a mission.sqm file. The answer above told me to merge these files. Can you please explain for a completely new modder how you would suggest implementing this? What I have: 1 mission.sqm file (working) that I added map icons to. 1 mission.sqm file from all my building in 3den editor. This is the one I tried merging in to the mission.sqm(from the exile server). 1 initServer.sqf file where I have placed all my objects. All files are in the mpmission -> exile.altis.pbo
  8. Hotfix

    Adding vehicles that players cannot enter to the map

    Do you have a good way of merging the mission.sqm files? Or any tips when I do so? EDIT: I copied the mission.sqm output to the old mission.sqm file. Edited from 13 items to 113: (Yes, I did the math ) class Entities { items=111; Edited the first class items from 0-12 apropriate numbers. Will report back if it works. EDIT: It did not. What am I missing?
  9. Hotfix

    Adding vehicles that players cannot enter to the map

    Thank you very much, both of you! I will try this ASAP!
  10. Hotfix

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Hello, I just found your script after I posted this. I basicly only want these two features: Ammo is persistent and do not refill after server restart. (Saved to database) Ammo can be restored at a custom military base. Do you have any suggestion on how I should implement this? I have tried making a vehicle spawn in through the editor, but I am not able to lock it properly.(Or making it so it cannot be moved/destroyed) Adding the option to restore ammunition from a trader/object (for free) is what I need. EDIT: We use MAS vehicles.
  11. As the title states I would like to add a point on the map where vehicle ammo can be refilled. We tried with the ammo container, but we were not able to actually reload with it. The SQF-line in our initServer.sqf file looks like this: ["O_Truck_03_ammo_F",[7471.77,17578.9,189.125],[[0.991656,-0.128882,0.00263077],[-0.0026529,0,0.999996]],[false,false]], Everything works, except that I can't get the vehicle to be locked. I would like the ammo truck to be a point where people could refill their ammo, but not enter or destroy the vehicle. If a player enters the vehicle now, they cannot get out. I would like them to not get in in the first place. I have tried all the four different states of lock in the 3den editor. (SQF file is generated together with m3editor) I read that the lock states are given from 0-3 in the 3den editor, while as far as I can see it is -1 when locked in exile. Anyone got a solution or a fix on how I should implement so that people can refill ammo from my military base?
  12. Hotfix


    Welcome! We have finally released our own server. At the moment, we are about 10-12 players, with 16 hour/day active admins. We are here to help, always. ServerIP: Location: UK Mods: MAS Weapons, MAS Vehicles, Missions Other: Revive, Deploy Bike, Roaming AI, Vehicle ammo refill point (with persistent ammo) There is NO floating objects or invisible hilltops! View distance is set to 1400 meters. You start with 10k poptabs. Loottables and shops have been tuned alot. Website: Teamspeak: We have a teamspeak where you can come and speak with us at any time. Poke Storm or Hotfix. Ip: pw: backbone Todo: Cappoints (When server is more populated).
  13. Hello, When we change money on a user in InfiStar, the money does not actually work. I gave myself 119k, and tried buying a vehicle, getting the error "Failed to purchase vehicle: 5". I can not transfer the pop tabs to other users, and if I buy something I can afford, lets say I have 1000 pop tabs(that works) and buy a car for 1000 pop tabs, I get -118900 in the bottom right. We are new to infistar, but we are quite sure this worked before. Screenshots:
  14. It was inside the A3DS folder. Every thing works now. Thank you very much. PS: I also made a support ticket on your website, you can close that one.