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About iD4NG3R`

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  1. iD4NG3R`

    Death kicks people out of their party

    Whenever someone dies they are automatically kicked from whatever party they are in and forced into their own party, they do however see their ex-party members on the map (And they can see him) as vanilla red markers. People that are in a family automatically get punted back into the family party.
  2. iD4NG3R`

    banning issue

    Have you, by any chance, used the new 3DEN editor? If so, remove the 2 files you added to the @exile/addons folder on your client.
  3. iD4NG3R`

    Statusbar Script?

    Did you change anything at all to the script? Because I'm not spotting any (potential) 0's getting divided or values getting divided by 0. Neither are there any out of bound select statements. Edit: I already posted this in another topic, but for those who are interested in having a direction (N, NE, E etc) instead of an angle (0-359) on the compass: Replace the line starting with _dir with: _dir = round ((getDir (vehicle player))/45); And put the following somewhere after the variables: switch(_dir) do { case 0: {_dir = "N "}; case 1: {_dir = "NE"}; case 2: {_dir = "E "}; case 3: {_dir = "SE"}; case 4: {_dir = "S "}; case 5: {_dir = "SW"}; case 6: {_dir = "W "}; case 7: {_dir = "NW"}; case 8: {_dir = "N "}; };
  4. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Okay. 1.0.0 came out so I decided to retry this with a clean server. Things I've done/setup: Fresh A3 server installation with Exile/Exileserver Changes to vanilla Exile files: config.cfg, Exile.Tanoa > Exile.Esseker SQL config (Name/Pass/IP thats all) Copied the base Altis file, extracted it and inside Mission.sqm I replaced all pointers to Altis with Esseker. Also removed the spawnpoints so that I get a random spawn. Mission.sqm: Packed it back into Exile.Esseker Launched the server with the following parameters: After I spawn in and run around Igman Military Base (Which has 2 vanilla barracks): Full rpt: I'm fresh out of ideas here. Edit: Ignore the SQL errors. Haven't had the time to update my regular server yet. Just hooked my old DB to this server, its unrelated to the spawning issue because on my old server (without SQL or any other errors besides the one described up here) loot didn't spawn either.
  5. iD4NG3R`

    Error parsing data launcher

    Had the same problem and searched for a bit, it seems that the A3Launcher servers are ffing up. There's tons of threads on the steam forums too from the past hour or so.
  6. iD4NG3R`

    Statusbar gets messed up

    Got it working the way you want? I can gladly help if it's needed. Also, you guys might be interested in this, I changed the compass so that it shows the direction instead of the angle (North, Northeast, East etc). Makes communication a tad bit easier and it just looks a whole lot better. Inside statusBar.sqf: At the top replace _dir with: _dir = round ((getDir (vehicle player))/45); Somewhere after the variables put: switch(_dir) do { case 0: {_dir = "N "}; case 1: {_dir = "NE"}; case 2: {_dir = "E "}; case 3: {_dir = "SE"}; case 4: {_dir = "S "}; case 5: {_dir = "SW"}; case 6: {_dir = "W "}; case 7: {_dir = "NW"}; case 8: {_dir = "N "}; }; Result:
  7. iD4NG3R`

    Statusbar gets messed up

    in statusBar.hpp change the width (w) of statusBarText. You'll also have to play around with the X coordinate (x) to properly center it again. Mine for example: class RscStatusBar { idd = -1; duration = 10e10; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['RscStatusBar', _this select 0];"; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; movingEnable = 0; objects[] = {}; class controlsBackground { class statusBarImage { idc = 55557; type = 0; style = 48; x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.883; y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.096; //0.068 w = 1.35; h = 0.08; //0.06 colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; sizeEx = 0.4; font = "OrbitronLight"; text = ""; }; }; class controls { class statusBarText { idc = 55554; x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 2.02; y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.063; w = 1.6; h = 0.06; shadow = 2; font = "OrbitronLight"; size = 0.032; type = 13; style = 2; text = ""; class Attributes { shadow = 2; align="center"; color = "#ffffff"; font = "OrbitronLight"; }; }; }; }; @ anyone not using the background image: Keep in mind that if you don't use a backdrop that the text becomes very hard to read on bright/light backgrounds. I recommend using shadow='2' to get a full black border around the white text. Add shadow = 2 to the statusBar.hpp script and make sure to also add the shadows to the icons in statusBar.sqf like this: <t shadow='2' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.3' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\players.paa' color='%10'/> %2</t>
  8. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    The RPT errors me and a few others posted are server-sided. Example log: Edit: Considering that this does in fact seem to be related to the used OS, this might be something for the Exile devs.
  9. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Server 2008.
  10. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Starting Altis instead of Esseker, instant loot spawns and no errors. Back on Esseker, a nice spam of 2:35:11 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:11 Link cannot be resolved 2:35:11 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:11 Link cannot be resolved 2:35:11 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:11 Link cannot be resolved 2:35:11 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:11 Link cannot be resolved 2:35:11 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:11 Link cannot be resolved 2:35:12 Object id 9a64f25b (603) not found in slot 158,211 2:35:12 Link cannot be resolved The issue doesn't seem to have anything to do with exile_server_config. A good question might be: What terrain mod are you using for Esseker? CUP Terrain Core or A2OP?
  11. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    If someone could send me their exile_server_config (obviously without the RCON pass) I'd gladly test it and share the results. Mine: (Its a fresh server install, so not much has been changed). Edit: newLoot.h is the file given to me here:
  12. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Nope, still no loot.
  13. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Already had that, but even trying it again with your link. No dice: Edit: Obviously packed it all nicely into the PBO
  14. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Fresh server install only running CUP_Terrains_Core-1.2.0, Esseker and Exile. Added the loot positions, still no loot and still getting this spam in the RPT's every 30 seconds when loot should spawn: 15:49:48 Object id 8c8685cc (1484) not found in slot 208,100 15:49:48 Link cannot be resolved 15:49:48 Object id 8c86860d (1549) not found in slot 208,100 15:49:48 Link cannot be resolved 15:49:48 Object id 8c8685ee (1518) not found in slot 208,100 15:49:48 Link cannot be resolved 15:49:48 Object id 8c868f43 (1859) not found in slot 209,100 15:49:48 Link cannot be resolved 15:49:48 Object id 8c868f3e (1854) not found in slot 209,100 15:49:48 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:18 Object id 8c867ded (1517) not found in slot 207,100 15:50:18 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:18 Object id 8c868608 (1544) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:18 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:18 Object id 8c868601 (1537) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:18 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:24 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:24 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:26 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:26 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:30 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:30 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:32 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 15:50:32 Link cannot be resolved 15:50:50 Object id 8c867e00 (1536) not found in slot 207,100 15:50:50 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:21 Object id 8c468fa0 (1952) not found in slot 209,98 15:51:21 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:21 Object id 8c468f9f (1951) not found in slot 209,98 15:51:21 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:21 Object id 8c669768 (1896) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:21 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:21 Object id 8c6697b4 (1972) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:21 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:21 Object id 8c6697a2 (1954) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:21 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:50 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:50 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:51 Object id 8c66976b (1899) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:51 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:51 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:51 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:51 Object id 8c66974d (1869) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:51 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:51 Object id 8c86974e (1870) not found in slot 210,100 15:51:51 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:53 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:53 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:56 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:56 Link cannot be resolved 15:51:58 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:51:58 Link cannot be resolved 15:52:00 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:52:00 Link cannot be resolved 15:52:02 Object id 8c6697a3 (1955) not found in slot 210,99 15:52:02 Link cannot be resolved
  15. iD4NG3R`

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    I'm having the same issue ever since switching over from Namalsk to Esseker, even with the default CfgBuildings I'm not getting loot, not even in vanilla A3 buildings. The only noticeable thing inside the RPT files: 14:21:27 Object id 8c867e00 (1536) not found in slot 207,100 14:21:27 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:27 Object id 8c867ded (1517) not found in slot 207,100 14:21:27 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:27 Object id 8c868608 (1544) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:27 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:27 Object id 8c868601 (1537) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:27 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:30 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:30 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:33 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:33 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:35 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:35 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:39 Object id 8c8685cd (1485) not found in slot 208,100 14:21:39 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:57 Object id 8c468f9f (1951) not found in slot 209,98 14:21:57 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:57 Object id 8c669768 (1896) not found in slot 210,99 14:21:57 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:57 Object id 8c6697b4 (1972) not found in slot 210,99 14:21:57 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:57 Object id 8c6697a2 (1954) not found in slot 210,99 14:21:57 Link cannot be resolved 14:21:57 Object id 8c66974d (1869) not found in slot 210,99 14:21:57 Link cannot be resolved Pay attention to the time, this gets spammed every 30 seconds. The exact interval for the loot spawn timer.