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  1. Zeito

    Someone hacked our server

    Yes sorry, that's much better worded!
  2. Zeito

    Someone hacked our server

    IF you use BEC global ban list you might be able to A) Stop these people connecting when they're already banned elsewhere b) When you ban them, they get banned on all BEC-Global servers.
  3. Zeito

    Changing reputation of items within the traders?

    Quality is the reputation level from 1-6 i think. There's a seperate configuration section which defines the levels and how much respect you must have for each. i.e. level 1 = 1500 respect, level 2 = 4000 respect etc.
  4. Zeito

    battleye script restrction #25

    !=sleep 3;\n\n\n["atkTeleport", "onMapSingleClick", { if (_alt) then { ['tp2pos', _pos] call AdminToolkit" on line 27 of your scripts.txt?
  5. Zeito

    battleye script restrction #25

    Have a read through the guides in this forum and you should be able to work them all out.
  6. Zeito

    owned vehicles despawns

    It's a well known issue in Exile/Arma3 vehicles spawn in facing North/0 degrees and are then rotated around to the direction they were facing. If they hit any object as they spawn/rotate they can suffer damage and explode on spawn.
  7. Zeito

    Bring back the lobby

    I too would like to see the lobby return, I have a server for myself and some friend to play on and is open to other people, the lobby used to give those with slower connections bit of a 'staging area' to connect, before going on the join the game.
  8. Zeito

    Altis Radiation Potato

    They are defined in the mission.sqm in Potato 1.0.0
  9. Zeito


    So tried wiping out and re-configuring server from scratch in case there was some problem with the client or server files, or database or mission or something. Still seeing the same problems, 1 or 2 people including myself can connect fine, but everyone else get's connected and then gets immediately disconnected. would someone be able to connect to the server and report back if they get a kick message, or error, or what happens? It's very hard to track the issue down when it works fine for me and my friends, and i don't see anything out of the ordinary in the logs. ip: - currently running DMS/ZCP/VEMFr no client mods except exile required
  10. Zeito

    THis filter is kicking

    If you read through some of the BattleEye Guides and use the Filter tools it'll help you. What's the full restriction? It will say something like Script Restriction #0 which means you make your filter and place it on Line 2.
  11. Zeito

    1.62 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    Defent's Mission System - it's a popular AI mission addon for Exile installed by many server owners.
  12. Zeito

    XM8 8G Not Working

    It's a small one, but once it's on, it's always on for that player. Not sure about setting it as a default though, never really looked.
  13. Zeito

    XM8 8G Not Working

    Are they going into the XM8 settings -> Show Device on 8G network -> On? Just to be sure.
  14. Zeito


    It's not buttery smooth, but it runs fine. No client-side mods at all. I would have thought if they had client mods that different to what the server had, they wouldn't be able to connect at all, let alone connect then disconnect. But I will try that when i can, I'll load an un-required mod and see if it allows me to connect at all, and if i get kicked if it logs a message, because at the moment there's nothing.