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About TommyGavin

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  1. TommyGavin

    Fallujah PvP

    Hey guys! We made an Exile Fallujah PvP map from scratch. Features missions and loads of crap to do while still maintaining high FPS. We are in a sort-of Open Beta right now with ironing out a few bugs and trader prices to keep a steady economy. This server isnt for you immature 12 year olds. We have a complete "I dont want to hear you whine" policy. The Ban-hammer is mighty. We are mostly made up of OLDER gamers, most of us with prior service. So as you can imagine, the teamwork on this server is strong. Admins do not have obscene amounts of money or gear. Everyone started off fresh with a clean database. Come check us out!
  2. TommyGavin

    [W.I.P.] Oakland Terrain for Exile

    Any update? This would be an extremely awesome map to play Exile on.
  3. TommyGavin

    Bambi creation error

    Removing cba isnt an option for me because im using other mods. Unfortunately my hosting company doesnt allow me direct access to change anything on the sql server (unless im missing something). They said they have changed the parameters as described above but to no avail. Still getting the same Line 16 error when someone new joins the server. Does anyone have a fix?