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Everything posted by Blacksheep

  1. Hi all, I have setup a new exile server running addons like DMS and VEMF. Now I noticed that the AI's are completely hidden, even if they are spotted. Used google for a while but with "exile ai map marker" I had no luck... :-| Can someone tell me what is the correct firection to look? It is boring searching the mission area for an hour to find the last hidden AI,
  2. Blacksheep

    Wine & extDB2

    It looks like Torncedo's Github page is no longer existing since some days. Has the project moved somewhere? I am unable to find it. My problem is that the extDB2.dll is not found when I am starting arma3server with wine. extDB2.dll is definitely existing underneath @ExileServer and everything else works fine. The dll's from InfiStar seems to be loaded well too. VCrun2015 (Visual C++ 2015) is installed in wine (dotnet45 too) but whatever I try I always get 7:30:27 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 7:30:27 Wrong init state 7:30:27 Client: Nonnetwork object 374b9c00. 7:30:27 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 7:30:27 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 7:30:27 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Unable to locate extDB2 extension!" 7:30:27 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :(" The file is definitely there, all files & directory have proper permissions and owned by the user running arma3server. I don't know how to track further why extDB2.dll could not be loaded.
  3. Blacksheep

    [SOLVED] Teleport player to me

    Can confirm that Teleporting players to me does not work with 0.50A I can provide Admin Access to you for testing @infiSTAR
  4. Blacksheep

    Taru Pods Unlock leider nicht mehr möglich

    Ich hab mal im Arma3 Channel nachgefragt.... Geb bescheid wenn ich Antwort habe
  5. Hi Chris, what about this feature: Let us assume we have a 20 slots server and the owner would like to ensure that VIP's or Admins can always logon. So infiStar have for example a variable MAX_PLAYERS which we could set in this example to 15 and further slots can only be used if the UID is either Whitelisted or in the Admin lists. If 15 players are online and a player joins without whitelisting / admin uid he should be kicked with a configurable message like "Sorry, only reseverd slots are available!". If technically possible we could also think about kicking the last joined player for Admins / VIPs. Regards Blacksheep
  6. Blacksheep

    1 or 2 crashes per day

    Hello, I am observing 1-2 crashes per day on my dedicated Exile server, even without any user activity. The funny part on this: I have exactly the same installation running within a docker container (same OS) on the same machine where it runs without crashes for more than a month. A core file is written but who is willing to analyse it? Should I open a bug against BI? I will script now a heartbeat which will detect an outage and bring up the service again. But anyway: two crashes per day, especially when occurring during main playtime, is not that beautiful. Regards Blacksheep
  7. Blacksheep

    infiStar: Idea for a feature: Kick for VIP / Admin

    Another Server is running on Windows (in a KVM on top of Linux). But my hope is that sometimes in the future Linux Binarys of Arma3 runs perfromant as under Windows Anyhow, for Windows I am currently implementing BEC. So if my Idea is not that good (e.g. infiStar could replace BEC) we may close this thread. IMHO i would prefer to have all in one tool instad of using several ones.
  8. Blacksheep

    infiStar: Idea for a feature: Kick for VIP / Admin

    @Mr Sin: Short answer: Linux
  9. Blacksheep

    infiStar: Idea for a feature: Kick for VIP / Admin

    Well, that is an argument... Do you see any other possibility to keep some slots free without driving users pissed off? I guess the server list will display the configured slots. Any workaround to just display the slots we want to show as available?
  10. Blacksheep

    1 or 2 crashes per day

    Drop A3XAI, move to DMS & DMS Occupy. This is less perfromance impacting at factors and does nearly the same. Additionally DMS & DMS Occupy having an AI freeze feature meanwhile. Means: AI not close to players are freezed to save CPU cycles.
  11. I installed the latest test branch of DMS and V42 of occupation. It looks now that the AI is running wild on my server. With the previous version I had maximum 200 AIs, now I am reaching 1000 with the time. The screenshot is taken roundabout 15 Minutes after restart AI should be capped by SC_maxAIcount = 150 Looks like frozen AI will be replaced with new ones? I will change DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI = false; to DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI = true; Maybe this creates these side effects on FuMS & VEMF Config occupaton Config DMS EDIT: Problem seems to be in the test branch of DMS: While only 1 static mission is defined in the config one each another is spawning (see 2nd screenshot). So went back to previous version. EDIT 2: Issue is solved. After reinstalling both AI behaves normal! Maybe the problem was between keyboard and chair
  12. Blacksheep

    1 or 2 crashes per day

    @airtonics: Meanwhile I moved to Windows in a KVM since the linux binarys are still too buggy and the performance under windows is on factors better (unfortunately but it's a fact). So all I can help with is a dockerfile to install a "ready to go" ubuntu server where you can install steamcmd. Let me know if you want me to send it to you
  13. Blacksheep

    @FuMS issues

    Hi folks, I configured for my server @FuMS and it seems to work (as per log). However: o No missions are spawning o The status bar disappeared Is it normal that I don't see the headless client connected in RCON? I posted all logs and ps -ef output in pastebin: Any help is really appreciated!
  14. Blacksheep

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I can confirm that @IT07 fix from yesterday works fine. Missions are capped now as designed
  15. Blacksheep

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Thanx a lot! Will check that later
  16. Blacksheep

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    On my Server maxGlobalMissions does not work. It is limited to 3 but VEMFr is spawning 6 or more missions. I am using the latest release (downloaded today). No helpful message in the rpt, just that the missions are spawned. Override config is not being used (existing but used the defaults which are commended out).
  17. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    Good luck. I need a nap now
  18. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    Try this instead. You don't need Kart,Mark & Heli. arma3server.exe -mod=@exile -servermod=@exileserver; -config=C:\Server\Arma3ExileServer\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Server\Arma3ExileServer\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoinit
  19. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    If you have InfiStar installed take a look here
  20. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    Can be anywhere, depending how do you start your server. It looks like arma3server.exe .... -mod=@Exile -servermod=@ExileServer...
  21. Blacksheep

    Setting up Arma 3 Exile with Linux issues

    Add 2 links in lowercase in the directory where you have your arma3server: ln -s \@Exile \@exile ln -s \@ExileServer \@exileserver If that works then there is some confusion with your uppercase directory names. I always use lowe case for files and dirs.
  22. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    How does your start command looks like?
  23. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    Yep, from my perspective the server is looping 15:21:22 "ExileClient - Intro PreInit..." 15:21:22 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 15:21:24 Warning: 1463 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "extDB2", function: "9:VERSION" 15:21:24 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 15:21:24 "ExileServer - Connected to database!" 15:21:24 "ExileServer - Database protocol initialized!" ... 15:21:32 "ExileServer - Initializing game world..." 15:21:32 "ExileServer - Loading territories from database..." 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Done loading territories!" 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Loading constructions from database..." 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Done loading constructions!" 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..." 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Done loading vehicles!" 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Loading containers from database..." 15:21:33 "ExileServer - Done loading containers!" Until now all was going well. Database connection successful and terrerories & stuff loaded from DB. But anyhow the server believes to change the map: 15:23:37 Starting mission: 15:23:37 Mission file: ExileIntro 15:23:37 Mission world: VR 15:23:37 Mission directory: exile_client\missions\ExileIntro.VR\ 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 15:23:39 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 15:23:39 "ExileClient - Intro PreInit..." 15:23:39 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 15:23:39 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 15:23:39 "ExileServer - extDB2: Error extDB2 is already setup & locked !!!" 15:23:39 "ExileServer - Check your server rpt for errors, your mission might be stuck a loop restarting" 15:23:39 "Exile Client - Playing intro..." 15:23:39 "ExileClient - Intro PostInit..." No clue what happens, maybe an error with the installation. I found out that it makes more sense to delete the whole arma3 installation(rename the old one) and install new rather than upgrade existing ones. After installation I just copied the mods / changes into the new one from the renamed directory. That worked for me.
  24. Blacksheep

    Please Help with extDB error please

    Pls post from the rpt all lines including "MySQL".... I suspect that you are in a loop after the extDLL cound not be found/loaded
  25. Hi Chris, I downloaded today version 45 and implemented it on my server. I observed that this version distrurbs the 2 HC's I have during startup. The first HC stuck in the initialization, the second one connects successfully but is neither working nor visible in the player list. Downgraded back to 44 and all is fine. I can exclude any mistake in the upgrade / config (checked 3 times and the config hasn't changed that much between 44 and 45)