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About Bridson

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  1. Bridson

    Where do I start in developing?

    Hard to pick any one area, I followed a similar path, there are some tutorials for bohemia, and wiki for the coding language for the game engine as helpers, the file relationships and mod uploading are a place to start, took me about 3 months to get it fairly down by myself. Start with things you want to learn to do, see if there's a video that teaches it, probably 75% or it can be picked up that way, but beware, alot of the info is out of date or not accurate, you will have to develop a good amount of patience, many trying days of wanting to chuck the laptop out the window, many...
  2. Bridson

    KennelGaming building a team...

    Since the recent updates destroyed the skybox and loot system on our servers, were chillin till Bohemia and Exile release there Apex and such, we can't fix problems at the rate they're breaking them, we will have a Tenoa Exile mostly vanilla shortly after the July 11th release...
  3. Bridson

    Vehicles spawning underground on Esseker

    Running into this now while building a Napf server, infini and vehicle store, zeus spawned ones are ok, wow, never a moment where something works right, btw anyone have a player respawn script I could use, another tricky fix...
  4. Bridson

    KennelGaming building a team...

    We now have a Kermana map exile server running, IP is (tis sweetness indeed) (AI will kick your ass if you don't use some tactics)
  5. Bridson

    Saving recruit ai after logoff?

    I remember DUWS missions had where you could recruit special units with up-gradable skills that would be re-recruit able later, there may be a way to edit that to "garage" your ai till next time, either way crap is in the future, cheers...
  6. Bridson

    KennelGaming building a team...

    Our server is now live...
  7. Bridson

    Advanced Sling Load Help

    Nice, I want to tie in 500 quads and run them through the
  8. Bridson

    Database Error and Load in timeout

    Yup went back to 9.4.1 for now and it's working swimmingly, we'll see on the next round, till then we got a test server we can play with for the recent, but, may never get played with before someone figures it out...cheers
  9. Bridson

    Advanced Sling Load Help

    Yeah would be nice to have...
  10. Bridson

    Database Error and Load in timeout

    The recent news release says it's slated for 1.58 release, it definitely seems however that something got pushed through, now comes the endless combing though info to see what can be found... With ours even a vanilla install is causing the problem after client connects, so they can play through until they log, then there glitched into the ground with a constant drop back into the lobby... A number of servers are having similar issues, I was going through the forums here and found over a dozen entries, I have friends in the community giving me feedback on it constantly, this may not be the exact problem, but it's related somehow for sure, were still having issues with fresh installs, I've default loaded altis life server, wasteland, epoch, and such just today and it's only happening when I run exile mod... Look, alot of the things bohemia is doing is awesome, and exile is the best mod in it's genre for it IMO, just really sucks when you get everything going just right and a day later an update comes out and you get nuked, I know the exile team has felt that pain...
  11. Bridson

    Black Screen after Update config problem, were all dealing...
  12. config problem, were all dealing...
  13. Bridson

    Database Error and Load in timeout Bohemia has once again hosed us all, apparently there new event stacker system is inter-fearing with the exile server config code, which uses the older one currently. Since the code is protected no one's suppose to edit that, so until the exile team converts to the new system, were bunk... We have a few modded servers in wip with same issue, the link above explains why the account setup works initially, but then conflict with the new system prevents a player reconnecting from restoring their account, this is a server config issue that, unfortunately, the exile team will have to patch to the new system quote " The solution to the problem is for Exile to change the ExileServer_system_process_preInit.sqf file to use the BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler command to hook into the onPlayerConnected andonPlayerDisconnected events instead of calling onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnected directly. That way, the Exile mod will work not only with CBA but with all other mods and missions that make use of the new system: " Constructively speaking, I love how Bohemia decides to make some "nice new change" to their game, seemingly without even thinking of the potential impact it has on a modding community, which they say they support, and just let us all deal with days of nerve racking frustration to fix the game, the mods, everything, wouldn't it be nice if they gave us a heads up on some code details before they destroyed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of players gaming on their systems, I can't tell you how much, "discomfort", we have experienced as a result. My sympathy for exile team, and all us devs...
  14. Bridson

    No joy on update Bohemia has once again hosed us all, apparently there new event stacker system is inter-fearing with the exile server config code, which uses the older one currently. Since the code is protected no one's suppose to edit that, so until the exile team converts to the new system, were bunk... We have a few modded servers in wip with same issue, the link above explains why the account setup works initially, but then conflict with the new system prevents a player reconnecting from restoring their account, this is a server config issue that, unfortunately, the exile team will have to patch to the new system quote " The solution to the problem is for Exile to change the ExileServer_system_process_preInit.sqf file to use the BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler command to hook into the onPlayerConnected andonPlayerDisconnected events instead of calling onPlayerConnected and onPlayerDisconnected directly. That way, the Exile mod will work not only with CBA but with all other mods and missions that make use of the new system: " Constructively speaking, I love how Bohemia decides to make some "nice new change" to their game, seemingly without even thinking of the potential impact it has on a modding community, which they say they support, and just let us all deal with days of nerve racking frustration to fix the game, the mods, everything, wouldn't it be nice if they gave us a heads up on some code details before they destroyed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of players gaming on their systems, I can't tell you how much, "discomfort", we have experienced as a result. My sympathy for exile team, and all us devs...
  15. Bridson

    KennelGaming building a team...

    We plan on several community servers and some private for off map matches and events, currently building on some test servers, the Tenoa map looks really good, for now we will probably run a Cherno and Altis, we are looking into implementing a number of mod features to enhance performance and gameplay (like a frekin garage to store some vehicles so the server doesn't have to spawn in a billion), we have a decent roadmap and a lot of nice ideas on how to expand the experience to involve some other features, perhaps some roleplay areas, warzones, infestation events that the community can influence the outcome on, government and external forces that have there own agenda and can invade, offer special missions with unique rewards, etc... We plan to have the admins a lot more involved in the game dynamics, perhaps role playing out special missions, events, characters in the story line, and some real map changes as a result of the communities decisions on how to deal with events, like ignore a invasion and they destroy a trader spot, then next reset you may have roaming traders to compensate, or you'll have to work a campaign to restore some order. Rescue the scientist group to gain research into new weapons and a cure for a recent zombie outbreak in an area, kill them and the outbreak spreads, or use their resources and chemical attack your rivals to turn them into zombies. A more dynamic economy with missions strewn into the events, prisoners can be contacted to run guns and supplies for the government or a aggressive trader group, but they can be attacked by ai, desperate villagers, or rival factions that are trying to get those materials for example, we want a dynamic experience utilizing many more resources in game. Warzone may include almost all game assets, tanks, apc, uav, but the cost and risk escalate as well, objectives can be in and out of server, developing loyalties with external factions to aquire new technologies, zombifying chemical weapons, it's tricky to find a balance so butt munches aren't just rolling around nuking everyone, so we are working out rules, zones, gameplay dynamics to balance all these elements, it will be awesome, but it's a lot of work. We are currently adding and testing all the vanilla content, and soon we will be working out the mods, again it will be a massive amount of resources and we have to find a balance for the server performance, the finances and support will come in time, already know that, but a good team is important, been in enough communities to see the difference... I produce music so we will have some nice intro and cinematic elements in time as well, to tie in with events and the storyline, which we want the community involved in creating, after all it's our exile... Nuff said... Btw I sent request to both of you for discussions... Bridson