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About Malankore

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  1. Hi Guys, So after countless hours of n00bs whining about how hard the PVE server i run is, I'm tired of explaining why it's hard. So I'm looking for a script that will play a sound bite when someone says too hard. Anyone know of anything like this out there?
  2. Malankore

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    The Australian download is reporting as 1.9GB, but the FR and UK are reporting 1.1GB, also, i think you might need to send a firetruck to the uk server
  3. Malankore

    Looking to pay an exile server expert.

    Hey @wirenutvv Looking to start your own huh? Sorry for the issues on my server, but I'd be willing to help. Not looking for payment though, you already have a host picked out?
  4. Malankore

    Vehicles disappearing from database

    Issue here as well, they either disappear completely, or revert to safe zone.
  5. Malankore

    [SOLVED] Infistar Install

    Crud, please close, I missed a file, and it took me this long to realize it.
  6. Malankore

    [SOLVED] Infistar Install

    Having issues, first time install of infistar. Attempted to install on dev server to make sure mods all work together. Now the server wont come up, followed the readme included in the zip, no luck so far. Any idea's? I put in a support request with infistar, but I know he's only 1 guy. I can include any RPT's or such you need, just let me know!