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About Bjornadal

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  1. Bjornadal

    Building Physics Broken in 0.9.6

    When floating a floor in mid air while physics is enabled, it will be marked as orange, but does not fall to the ground when built.
  2. You dont get my point at all. sometimes i cant even get out to sell the damn car because other players camp the waste guy... Maby you know a magical way to sell the car and content while still inside the car, (and moving), please share it with the rest of us.
  3. This exactly ! CEN: I doubt that they are only for selling. I would enjoy to use the car up to restart. And one of those things i would like to do, is to drive into a trader and buy/sell without having someone stealing my car. If i forget it in the trader (locked), it would de/re-spawn, and all loot it contained would be lost.
  4. When entering the safe zones, especially The Terminal, with unlockable cars, players tend to just camp around and wait for me to leave the car. It is very hard to buy a lock for a car, when you cannot exit it without someone trying to steal it, or the loot it contains. Should be some sort of protection that prevent safe zone car jacking. Maby make all cars lockable in the trader zone.