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About wallop

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  1. wallop

    Base Respawn

    Thanks. Here it is for posterity. https://github.com/Beowulfv/xsSpawn
  2. wallop

    Base Respawn

    Care to share the merge?
  3. wallop

    Is it possible to open Hangar doors on server start?

    Try the opposite of this: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200448-cup-hanger-doors/
  4. wallop

    Mass kicks

    Is it different from the full pop bug? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124802
  5. Dug in some more and found my params were off - I had `servermods` instead of `servermod`. After fixing that, this is the extDB2 log I get: extDB2: Failed to Load Protocol: SQL_CUSTOM_V2 That lead me to and after running my build script again without messing with casing - everything works great.
  6. wallop

    Ubuntu 16.10 + extDB problems

    @Nerexiswhich files? currently running into this myself
  7. I'm trying to continue the work done by airtonix etc in making a docker friendly exile setup. My new arma 3 docker image is working great, but when I wire up the volumes with exile files and connect, I spawn in the grass and no keybinds work, similar to this post . I suspect this is a DB issue, though I am able to connect from arma container to the mysql db container on the cli, and all of the tables are created, it seems that extDB2 is never initialized (no logs etc). I also turned off strict mode in mysql - see docker-compose.yml RPT - https://ghostbin.com/paste/zjz22 To replicate: this works to connect to the db from the server container, where db is the hostname of mysql container server_1 | 14:39:31 Player Blah connected (id=). server_1 | 14:39:31 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID () of player #0 blah server_1 | Unaccessible server_1 | 14:39:36 Server: Object 4:62 not found (message Type_121) server_1 | 14:39:36 Server: Object 4:51 not found (message Type_121) server_1 | 14:39:36 Server: Object 4:52 not found (message Type_121) server_1 | 14:39:36 Server: Object 4:53 not found (message Type_121) etc I did an `ldd extDB2.so` and all of the needed libs were loaded ok
  8. wallop

    Linux Server Installation Guide

    I have a similar issue. 0.9.35 version worked great but I get this on a fresh install of 0.9.41 on Ubuntu. Notice the backwards slash? Cannot open file '/home/exileserver/serverfiles/exileserver/@Exile\addons\exile_psycho_ural' I found this post which solved the issue. the filename is case sensitive on Linux convmv -r --lower @Exile/* convmv -r --lower @Exile/* --notest
  9. wallop

    Player bought helicopters explode right away

    Just noticed this thread - http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/6705-helicopters-explode-when-bought/ -- mine can be closed as this is a dupe
  10. wallop

    Helicopters explode when bought

    This is still happening on my server as well.
  11. I'm running the latest Exile and Infistar, and DMS. When a player buys a helicopter in the Terminal trader, it spawns in front of them partially below the ground, and blows up, often killing the player. Can I set where the air vehicles spawn to prevent this?
  12. wallop

    Insta Doc on other players?

    Who removed your post? At least your github repo still lives on
  13. wallop

    Give someone money

    I'm not able to get this to work on my server. Has this been tested with the latest Exile?
  14. Thanks for the help Luicid. I was missing the tbb from the second post, so that is fixed now. I am now able to launch using the command above, but I still would like to get the LGSM script working
  15. wallop

    [linux ]installing arma 3 server with lgsm

    I have this same issue after using LGSM